Act Like Neji Hyuga
This is basically a guide on how to act like Neji Hyuuga, a character in the TV show Naruto.
- Dress in short sleeved tan shirts and dark blue cargo shorts.
- Decide which version of Neji you want to be.
- Neji in the chunin exam was an egotistical rookie who constantly tried to convince people that they could not change their destiny, until Naruto shows him otherwise.
- Neji after the chunin exam is a noble hero who respects everyone, and always keeps his word.
- Act serious, be on task, and also be extremely confident. Before you be confident, though, be sure you are doing extremely well in everything.
- Bandage your right arm and right leg up.
- Learn martial arts if given the chance.
- Be one of the top student in your class and be sort of a "Teacher's pet".
- Be Optimistic in a Pessimistic World about things such as dreams.
- Be independent and don't let anyone influence you unless it's for the better.
- Be a Loner.
- Challenge people and try to win most of the time.
- Think fate can not be changed, because it is something that is decided in birth.(start rambling on about it until Naruto starts beating some sense into you)
- Don't hold back your opinions about others' destinies.
- Cover up anything that is especially special about you in a bad way, like the "caged bird" on Neji's forehead.
- Get some of your friends to act like Cosplay As Rock Lee and Tenten.
- Enjoy hanging out in the forest and counting the birds you see
- Set aside a lot of time for meditation and quiet time.
- Always be annoyed at Might Gai and Rock Lee when they do something...abnormal that normal people wouldn't do.
- Try drawing protruding vein around your eyes and mutter "Byakugan!" (I CAN SEE THROUGH EVERYTHING!!!!)
- Get to know Neji's character in the anime.
- Become number-one in something.
- Don't tell anyone you are acting like Neji.
- Start watching Naruto. (Disney XD\TV Tokyo)
- Don't become too obsessed.
- Have fun when no one else is.
- Try looking up Neji Hyƫga on Naruto-pedia for more tips.
- Don't get Neji confused with Sasuke even though they have similar personalities. Sasuke is more dark, mysterious, and (believe it or not) even more anti-social.
- You might have a hard time seeing through contacts with no pupils.
- This only works when acting like Neji from Naruto. Not Naruto Shippuden.
- Don't be too serious, your friends might ignore you and move on from you if you act too Neji-like.