Cosplay As Hinata Hyuga

Hinata Hyuga is a character in the anime and manga series Naruto. She is a very shy girl who has a big crush on Naruto, she is also in the upper class of the Hyuga clan. Here is how you might cosplay as her.


  1. Act shy. Be nice when you converse. Hinata possesses a very kind and gentle attitude. Care about others. If someone gets injured, ask if they are okay, (before looking to see if they actually are okay).
  2. Don't talk a lot, Hinata is a very quiet girl. When you do talk to someone, stutter a lot. Play with your fingers when you're scared or nervous about something. Act nervous when you talk to your crush.
    • When you do talk, speak quietly in a high-pitched voice. Hinata is a very quiet girl! She's not loud at all!
  3. Get silver/light purple contacts if you want to look even more like Hinata!
  4. Get a Hinata wig. Hinata has Purple-black hair that is short in Naruto, but is much longer in Naruto Shippuden, which takes place two years later.
  5. Always be concerned about others.
  6. Wear a white jacket with dark blue tight pants.
  7. Don't underestimate yourself. Hinata may seem weak at first (especially compared to her older cousin, Neji Hyuga) but she can actually be fantastic at fighting. Especially when Naruto's around.
    • If you have not seen someone for a while show them how strong you have become. If your crush is in trouble stand up for him once in a while! Hinata stood up to Pein, so don't be afraid of anything at this time!
  8. Be flexible. This gives Hinata an edge over Neji, gymnastics is a great way to loosen up.
  9. Be a bit of a pushover. If someone asks you to do something, do it, even if you really don't want to.
  10. Don't be entirely fearless! Hinata gets frightened a lot.
  11. When your crush happens to be close to you, act really embarrassed or faint.


  • Believe in your nindo. Your own "ninja way".
  • Speak in a high/soft voice.
  • If there is competition or anything withdraw immediately, unless your crush is nearby.
  • Try to make yourself blush when your crush talks to you.
  • Confess to your crush in a really dramatic and memorable way!


  • Don't tell anyone you are acting like Hinata! It would be cooler if someone told you that you act like Hinata.
  • Don't always look directly at the person your talking to, look down sometimes since Hinata is quite timid.
  • Don't actually fight people.
  • Only dye your hair with your parents permission.
  • Only get contacts if you need them.

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