Add a Signature to Yahoo Mail

This article teaches you how to add the same text (such as your name, phone number, or a meaningful quote) to the bottom of your Yahoo! Mail messages.


Using a Computer

  1. Go to If you’re not already signed in to your account, enter your account information to do so now.
    • The signature you set up for Yahoo! Mail on a computer is different from the one sent using the mobile app. See Using the Mobile App to edit your mobile signature.
  2. Click the Settings icon. It’s the gear at the top right corner of the screen.[1]
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click Accounts. It’s in the left panel.
  5. Select your email address. All email addresses associated with this account appear under “Email addresses.” If you have more than one address, you’ll have to create a separate signature for each.
  6. Check the box next to “Append a signature to the emails you send.” You may have to scroll down a little to see it.
  7. Enter your signature. The text you type here will be included at the bottom of every email you send (unless you delete it manually), so make sure it fits all possible scenarios. Here are some tips on stylizing your signature:
    • Use the Tt button (the first button in the toolbar above the signature field) to change the size of your text.
    • Click B to make your text bold or I for italics.
    • The first A button changes the color of your text, while the second A button (with a gray background) changes the text’s background color.
    • Click the Link icon (it looks like the link of a chain) to link to your personal website.
    • If you’re on Twitter, you can include your most recent Tweet in your signature by checking “Include your latest tweet from Twitter.” You’ll then have to sign in to your Twitter account and click Authorize App.
  8. Click Save. Your new signature will now be appended to each email you send.

Using the Mobile App

  1. Open Yahoo! Mail. It’s the purple icon with a white envelope and the word “Yahoo!” on your home screen (iPhone/iPad) or in the app drawer (Android).
  2. Tap . It’s at the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Scroll down and tap Signature. It’s in the “General” section.
  5. Slide the “Signature” switch to the On position. When the switch is blue, the signature is enabled.
  6. Tap the box to edit your signature. The default signature says “Send from Yahoo Mail for iPhone/Android.” If you want it to say something different, you can delete what’s there and add your own text. Otherwise, skip to the next step.
  7. Tap Done. It’s at the bottom right corner of signature box. Your new signature is now saved.


  • Consider including your complete contact information if you are using the signature for professional use. This information would include company name, address, website, phone number, fax number, cell phone number, and email address.
  • Email signatures are useful for attaching disclaimers, legal notices, and confidentiality agreements.

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