Adjust Your Facebook News Feed

Your Facebook news feed is a list of updates and stories that are posted by the friends and pages that you follow on Facebook. Examples of items that may appear in your news feed are status updates posted by your friends, friend requests from other Facebook users, event updates, and more. Based on your personal preferences, you can adjust your news feed so that it only displays content that genuinely interests you. Continue reading after the jump to learn about the many ways in which you can adjust your Facebook news feed.


Access your Facebook News Feed

  1. Click on any of the "Facebook" links shown in the Sources section of this article.
  2. Navigate to the upper-left corner of the landing page, then click directly on the word 'Facebook' - the logo. You will be redirected to the main Facebook login page.
  3. Type your Facebook username and password into the fields provided to access your Facebook account.
  4. Click on "Home" at top right. Your news feed will then display in the center of the web page.

Sorting Methods

  1. Sort your news feed by top stories, or recent news. Top stories are determined by a Facebook algorithm that takes into account the popularity of certain posts, the nature of the post's topic, and more. Recent news updates are sorted in the order in which they were posted by the friends and pages you follow.
    • Click on the "Sort" link located in the upper-right corner of the News Feed section. A drop-down menu will display that gives you the option to view your news feed by recent news updates, or top stories.
  2. Adjust your news feed to see news by a certain friends list. This option is only available if you have your Facebook friends organized into different lists. For example, if you placed professional contacts into a list called "Co-workers," you can click on "Co-workers" to see all the recent news posted by your professional contacts.
    • Click on any friends list located within your left sidebar to view a news feed that will only display updates from those specific people.

Customizing News Feed Items

  1. Navigate to the profile of a friend whose news updates you want customized. By default, Facebook will display all forms of news content posted by the friends and pages you follow; including status updates, new photos, comments, Facebook "likes," and more. For example, if a certain friend consistently publishes updates about games and applications that no longer interest you, visit that friend's profile.
  2. "Unfollow" updates from that particular friend. Click Following to uncheck that button to stop receiving notification from that friends account. "
  3. Select other options. Hover the mouse over triangle beside the button "friends" and uncheck "Get notifications". You may also "unfriend" the account to stop getting all sorts of notification.

Hiding News Updates

  1. Point to any news update posted by a friend or page within your Facebook news feed that you no longer wish to see news updates from. You can hide news updates indefinitely from certain Facebook friends or pages without removing those friends from your friends list.
  2. Click on the arrow located in the upper-right corner of that particular news update.
  3. Choose from one of the "hide" options provided to you in the drop-down menu. You can choose to hide one particular news update, report a story as spam, or hide all future news updates from that particular friend.
  4. Unhide a friend's news updates at any time. This can be accomplished by clicking on the inverted triangle on the blue bar at the top. Click "News Feed Settings" to display a list of friends, groups or pages that you follow and from there you can click the buttons to unfollow them.

Un-hiding News Updates

  1. While still on the news feed page, which is the 'Home' page: See top far-left column, under 'Favorites' see the words 'News Feed'. Hover over 'News Feed' and a pencil icon will appear. Click 'Edit Settings'. Click the 'x' in the far-right column to unhide any friend or page. Click 'Save'. (no longer applies)

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