Attach a Tesla Front License Plate Bracket

Tesla Model S does not have an obvious way to mount the front license plate. Tesla purists hate having the front plate, but heck, isn't it the law?


The Official Tesla Service Method

  1. Call the nearest Tesla service center. In most cases, Tesla will tell you to come by any time, no appointment necessary.
  2. The service technicians drill the holes for you. They drill the holes in the depressions in the nose cone. It usually takes about 15 minutes, so you can wait. They won't charge you.
  3. Attach the bracket and license plate. The license plate and bracket now attach easily using the screws that came with the bracket.

The Do It Yourself Method

  1. Mount the bracket and license plate yourself. Mounting the bracket and plate yourself saves the car from ugly holes.
  2. Tesla does not always make the license plate brackets easy to find. You may find them in either the trunk or the front, buried down where you might not see it.
  3. Use hooks and bolts, available at any hardware store. Simply attach the bracket holes to the nose cone grille using the hooks and bolts. Hooks may or may not be the right size, so be prepared to cut them down if needed. You want a nice tight fit.
    • Zip ties also work. Some mechanics would fear the zip ties could fail after several years.

The Just Leave It Method

  1. Ask if you want or need a license plate in the front? It may be the law in your state or country that you need one. If not, you may want to leave it off. It looks nice and is more aerodynamic to leave it off.
    • Most Tesla fanatics prefer to leave it off.
  2. If you are in Germany, or California, for example, the law says you must attach the front license plate.


  • If you want to attach the bracket yourself, make sure you have the hook/bolt the right length so that the bracket will fit flush to the car.


  • No front license plate will give you a fine and an angry policeman in some places.

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