Be Assertive During a Job Search
I was looking for a job. And I found one. However, before you leave your house to go to school, your sports, or your friends, think. Think, am I using this time wisely. Can I afford to waste another second living below a quality standard of living? Am I willing to sacrifice A LOT to get what I want?
- Ground yourself. You are about to embark on the next step in your life. You need to think about how much money you want to make. You need to decide whether or not you want a high paying wage, or a lower one. Most of you would want a higher paying job vs. a lower paying one. So If you're like me, you will go for the jugular and get a higher paying job. Remember, you go to school for a career. Jobs are jobs until a career is fiscally possible.
- Think. Now you want a high paying job. Good for you. So what. Get ready for hardships. If you are going to get paid for quality work, you're going to do quality work. Now, search for the place that you want to work at by researching all the stores in your preferred location. Google maps is a great resource. This part is important: the internet is the way you will get a job. Apply to businesses online by going to their web pages and discover if positions are available. Now that you've got the application filled, you can impress the employers by telling them that you have filled out an application and you would like to schedule a time for an interview convenient for the both of you. Passing out your resume is a good step but it is essential if you want to get the job. A strong resume is required.
- Act. Fill out applications and make phone calls to meet employers in person. Do this until you get an interview. How many can you do in a day? The more apps you fill, the more calls you can confidently make, and the more interviews you'll ultimately get. Although, talking to an employer in a first impression is always better than calling them for an interview. By the end of this step, you should feel like you've applied for a million jobs but, guess what? You're still jobless. But if you want to make it in this crazy bin, you have to be assertive. You must act with confidence, even if on the inside, your world is on fire. If you don't, you will fail in the face of your colleagues but most of all, your employers. Do not show weakness. Some employers will test you, so you have to adapt to what they are gonna throw; questions employers ask. They want to get to know how you are in person.
- Relax. Now the interview is here. Good job. They're hard to get. Only you will know when you're being interviewed. Sometimes interviews happen and you don't even know you're being interviewed. Just relax. But most of all, smile. You are a team player that wants nothing more that to contribute to the success of the company. You are selling yourself. I hope you get the job.
- Persistence, punctuality, general upkeep, customer service, and a strong moral will land you the job! Get excited!
- Take what you are doing seriously. Look your best, and you will be at your best.
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