Make Money in the Winter (Kids and Teens)
Making money in winter might seem a little harder than during the warmer months when you can sit outside with the lemonade stand. But never fear! There are still quite a few ways to be inside and make money at the same time. And for the hardier among you,
there are outdoor options too.
Making Money Indoors
- Ask your parents to help you sell items online. You'll need their permission, help, and responsibility for such sales but it can be a good way to get your homemade and unwanted items turned into cash. Some ways to do this include:
- Make craft items and list them on Etsy, Kijiji, eBay, etc. You will need to use your parent's account and have them do all the listing and sales but then they can hand the money on to you when done.
- Find things you no longer want around the house. Have mom or dad put them on eBay or similar sites to sell. Don't expect too much unless your items are really wanted by people. But do realize that every little bit soon adds up.
- You might need to reach a deal with mom and dad on splitting the costs involved. Have a talk with them first.
- Make craft items to sell locally. If you are good at making things, consider selling them to neighbors, at indoor markets or to family members.
- Try knitting, sewing, crochet, beading, jewelry, blanket making, weaving baskets, etc. Think of things people like to use and wear; check out sites like Pinterest to see what's popular right now, for inspiration.
- Make cozy things, like blankets, hats, mittens and warm clothing.
- Decorate umbrellas if you live in a rainy winter area.
- Make a production line of helpers if you have siblings who also want to make some money.
- Do more chores than you usually do. Check with mom and dad first that they're okay about paying more for extra chores. Ask them what they'd really like done around the house and get to it! As an added bonus, it'll keep you toasty warm if you're moving around a bit.
Making Money Outdoors
- Shovel snow for your neighbors. This is a traditional job to do in the winter as people may not have the time or energy to shovel snow. It will be better if you bring your own equipment to do the job so you don't have to rely on other people to give you equipment.
- Let people know before the snow comes that you are available for snow clearing and let them know your rates. Ask around for rates offered by other people and keep yours the same or less, to drum up business.
- Pop flyers into people's mailboxes to let them know what you do, or simply tell people when you meet them.
- Scrape off the ice on cars. This is a struggle everyone has during winter and few people enjoy it. You could earn a lot of money doing this if you do it properly. Just be aware though, that many people might not want you to scrape ice off of their cars as they don't want to risk damage to the car. A few glowing references from people who know your abilities might help you to convince such people.
- Scrape only the windows. You don't need to get the ice off of the body of the car and this risks damaging the paint.
- Run a hot beverage stand. When it's not lemonade season, make hot chocolates, coffees, and tea. You could even ladle soup out of a crockpot. Since you'll be handling hot items, you'll need to be old enough to do this responsibly and with care, and it's a really good idea to have mom, dad or a teen sibling help you out with this sort of venture.
- Choose a sheltered, reasonably warm spot to locate your stand and make sure it's one where plenty of people will come by in a short space of time, such as a work area around lunchtime or the local sled park at peak sledding time. It's important to minimize the amount of time spent outside.
- Offer cookies too. People will often like a snack with the hot chocolate.
- Wear warm clothing that still lets you move with ease. Fingerless gloves can be great for holding cups, pouring and taking money.
- Help the elderly. In harsh climates in the winter the elderly won't want to risk going outside. You could run some errands for them and shovel their driveway, etc. This is a very effective way of earning money as the elderly tend to need help.
- Wear appropriate clothes in the winter for outdoor jobs as you want to keep warm.
- When you are selling the hot cocoa, be sure to find something to keep it warm in, like a thermos.
- Ensure that you have any required permits, if you are selling items somewhere other than your own property.
- You can also rake leaves in your neighbor's yard if there is no snow.
- Make prices reasonable, so people will buy from you.
- Always smile, and say something kind and respectful.
- You can also make an app and make a business app so people will hire you.
- Don't put flyers on lampposts unless they are laminated as they could get soggy and ruined; send flyers through the door.
- If selling food and drink, always comply with local regulations about food safety and get permission for setting up a stall anywhere that isn't your own land.
- Always read the terms and conditions of selling online. In most cases, minors cannot do this and require parental input or permission.