Be Attractive As a Sixth Grade Girl

Sixth grade can be an awkward year. Some are going through puberty, while others are not. Especially when there are those girls you see sitting at the "Popular table" with their boyfriends laughing and talking. It makes you want to be like them but really you don't want to walk in their shoes, you are fine the way you are.


  1. Practice good hygiene. Take a shower or bathe daily, and wash your hair at least 3 times a week (more or less, depending on hair type). Wash your face, preferably with a face wash designed to fight acne, or a witch hazel toner. Your face will start to be more oily, so be sure to wash with soap and warm water every day, two times (preferably in the morning and before you go to bed). Also, moisturize your legs and arms, too - nobody enjoys seeing all that dry, wrinkled skin, but they do like seeing the flat, perfect skin.
  2. Brush your hair and get frequent hair trims. Ask your hair stylist for an easy-to-maintain hairstyle that suits your face shape and is out of your face. The trims will help your hair not to get split ends. Plus, it will grow faster. Also, if you take a thin-toothed comb and brush from your roots frequently, your hair will become shinier. When you comb from your roots all the way down, it carries the oil evenly to your hair, making it shinier and more attractive. Try not to comb it so much that your hair becomes super greasy. If you want, add a little color strip or highlights, but make sure it matches!
  3. Brush your teeth 3 times a day. It might seem easier to skip brushing your teeth, but nobody likes someone with bad breath or yellow teeth!
    • After brushing, you should floss and use mouthwash. During the day, keep mints and mint-flavored gum in handy. This will keep your breath fresh.
  4. If you are in a changing room, think about it realistically. Will you See if You Need a Bra (Pencil Test)? Don't wear one unless you feel ready and if you need to. Changing in gym will be very, very embarrassing if you don't have a bra to cover up. Try getting used to wearing a sports bra or camisole at first.
  5. Know that you don't have to wear makeup to be beautiful. In fact, you aren't even expected to wear makeup anyway. You are beautiful just the way you are.
    • If you want to wear makeup, however, wear a bit a blush or bronzer, light eye shadows, a bit of mascara and lip gloss! If you are just entering sixth grade and want to wear makeup to stand out, go easy. Don't wear too much eyeshadow, otherwise when you get older it will start making the skin around your eyes dry up. Wear it differently everyday; one day go neutral and another day dramatic.
  6. Have a sense of style. Wear modest clothes that fit well with your style and your shape. A few good stores middle school aged girls like to shop at are Hollister, Aeropostale, American Eagle, Forever 21, Delia's, and Charlotte Russe. Most sixth grade girls like miniskirts, jeans, graphic t-shirts, oversize sweaters/sweatshirts/jackets matched with skinny jeans, etc. Feel free to experiment, though. Come up with your own unique style, whether it's the fashionista type or the classic, all-American girl wear.
  7. Remember: Clothes and makeup both have a thing in common. They can highlight or enhance (make something beautiful out of a part you dislike) areas where you want them to. However, if you have freckles, a mole, or any other thing you are self-conscious about, don't freak out. Many people find these things cute and special, as a matter of fact.
  8. Eat correct portions from all of the food groups. Don't forget the fruit and vegetables! Skipping meals is detrimental, so be sure to eat breakfast every day to keep you awake and energized. You don't have to have the figure of a supermodel; just stay healthy.
  9. Be active, as this will help you stay healthy too. If you play a sport, great! Join your school's sports team.
  10. And if you excel in a talent, like the piano or anything else that you don't have to get so active about, that is great, too. Share the world your impressive ability.
  11. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. After doing this for a few weeks, you should notice that you have more energy and healthier skin. It will also make your breath fresher!
  12. Exercise regularly, either in PE class or on your own. You don't need to be thin, but you do need to be healthy. However if you're underweight already, don't over-exercise!
  13. Be very sweet, bright, and confident around others. These traits are very attractive to have. It will show others you're caring, very nice, and a good person to be with. You don't have to be loud, you just need to be confident. Some people, as a matter of fact, find very quiet people down to earth! Try some flirting if you want to. It could be fun.
  14. Have a good posture, but don't walk like a supermodel down the hallway. No one likes that.
  15. Be yourself! Don't be someone you're not. Have fun with your life. Being yourself shows everyone that you love you, for you, and that you love your life.


  • No one likes a mini me! Try to be your own person! You don't have to buy that brand of lip gloss or that brand of jacket, just because everyone else has it!
  • Chat with the boys and give them a smile, be yourself, and look cute!
  • Act like yourself. If the real you isn't a fashion addict, then don't act like one! Everyone is beautiful in their own way. you may not think you are, but you are and always will be.
  • Be confident; that on its own will make you seem really pretty.
  • Don't wear too much makeup. Let others see who you really are!
  • Get manicures and pedicures and keep your finger nails nice and neat.
  • Abercrombie is not the best place to buy your clothes. Their clothes only go up to a size and don't create clothes for "bigger girls." Their company really needs to understand that all people are different and all girls are beautiful.
  • Don't be mean to others. Even if they are mean to you, just ignore them, they will be the ones who end up getting in trouble. Besides when you grow up you won't know half of them.
  • Just remember that everyone is beautiful, so if you follow these tips don't act better than others.
  • Be unique and be who you truly are.
  • Be confident and the person you really are.
  • Never doubt yourself or how you look, confidence makes you feel a lot better about yourself. Don't try to look better, be you!
  • Don't let others bring you down, you are your own person, so don't reduce yourself to labels.
  • Try to get a shampoo that is right for your hair.
  • If you like a guy be confident around him, its a nice trait a girl can have.
  • Don't brag to anyone. Nobody likes that.
  • Just be yourself. Life's about being you, not changing yourself to meet the wants of someone else.
  • Have a good sense of style, but stick to the school dress code. Show off your style and be yourself!


  • Always follow the dress code, or you'll end up having to change into your sweaty PE uniform!
  • Do not become obsessed with what other people think about you! It will lower your self confidence. Despite what you think, not every single person in the world goes to school just to judge you and your clothes.
  • Do not focus too much on your outward appearance, but rather on being outgoing, making true friends, and doing well in school. You're there to learn, too, so don't obsess too much over how you look.
  • Don't think skipping classes or getting bad grades is cool. It's good to get teachers to like you, too. Remember, if your on the road to popularity, people are going to look up to you! Don't make their role-model a rule-breaking, nasty girl who cares about nothing!

Things You'll Need

  • Cute Clothes (skinny jeans are very in)
  • Cute shoes
  • Cool sneakers
  • Bra (if needed)
  • Deodorant
  • Flirty Perfume (optional)
  • A good selection of clothes
  • Good makeup that fits your skin type and color!

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