Be Conservative in a Liberal Church
Perhaps it's the idea of some of your family -- whom you love and who love you -- and definitely "not your idea" to be liberal. Perhaps you're a young person (or a husband or wife) finding yourself where your ideals do not fit, yet you know where you stand on the scale: strongly conservative and a Christian. You believe that the meaning of life, pro-life, and the right choice is found in the Find Meaning in Life Through Christ. Your family member(s) chose this setting -- not you. And, you don't want your beliefs to be ridiculed by those that don't know the Truth...
Without the exciting reality of a personal knowledge of Truth then that kind of life (liberalism) changes to politics, competition, plus entertainment ("self-pleasing" activity) and mere religion (denying the power of the name of Jesus Christ). If you are not ready for that kind of change, how do you handle the next several years with your family and their choices?
- Maintain positive and loving standards. Because you attend a liberal church, the majority of members and youth/students are liberal too. Don't feel that you have to conform. Be a happy conservative, just don't be arrogant -- or snooty. Doubters need to change and become believers; you can help.
- Be careful to pray about your understandings and develop a standard of personal worship and of fervent, effective prayer. Standing up for what you believe in church could get you into a lot of arguing and bickering -- although that is unfair. Choose your squabbles and the ways you explain the Truth (Jesus Christ and him crucified. Him lifted up).
- Observe whether liberal churches are led by nominal Christian preachers who "have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof," as they may have become pastors to act as spiritual advisers and emotional counselors. Tell someone, like a fellow conservative Christian, if the minister is not teaching the authority of The Bible for Christianity. Your parents may be a fair and concerned source of help. So what can you do, if a preacher or teacher is avoiding the teaching of the Bible to believers/non-believers?
- Realize that there are "leaders" who do not actually believe the literal living God, His Word or any other absolute: except change... Change toward anything that they would like to see regardless of traditional doctrines from The Bible!
- Proclaim Christ and him lifted up to draw everyone to him. God is waiting for you to rise to the occasion and Go to a Higher Place Through Jesus.
- Write a letter and you can present it to the church board, if you have a real problem with the way the church is run. It should go to the pastor as well. See whether they take you seriously and give your issues a hearing. Influence others to believe in the Bible as sufficient for proof along with the Gospel (Good News) of the real God without angry debate.
- Ask for people to be taught believing in a real Christ and real repentance from sin and turning away from sin to personal responsibility for our own beliefs and actions. Don't be overtaken by the mushy-mouthed churchly political correctness!
- Choose life as a matter of choice: be pro-life. Get involved in that debate. Stand up for the life of the unborn baby. It is not a chunk or a piece of a life. It is a full-fledged life from the moment that the sperm and ovum get combined correctly and form a one cell life! At conception it is a one cell life with all the codes that keep performing the processes of that life: it is not a germ or a tumor... It is a very young person.
- Call sin: "sin," not "emotional, physical and psychological choices." Explain the consequences of a life of sin calmly and accurately. It is a break down of Christian Truth, family values, charity and repentance of wrong doing when we do not have fixed, concrete, foundations in the Gospel about the reality of evil and Satan and sin.
- Praise God for the Truth. Tell the Truth in Sunday School class debates. Ask your class to say the pledge of Allegiance to the Christian flag and to the United States flag, if you like. Don't be afraid to say words like "real, living, creator."
- Don't go around posing shallow opinions, but emphasize the Truth from the Word of God. You can even keep mere opinions to yourself most of the time. Bible scriptures are what count -- opinions are like theories (no physical proof), but the Bible is enough for Truth and you to stand on with fellow believers. Be sure that it says what you are saying...
- Choose issues that really matter. Do not allow their theories that they like to call "science" to interfere with the Gospel. Always remember that when you want to make a controversial statement you must have scriptures.
- Maintain your stand on creationist logic. For instance, life displays thousands of balanced and regulated biochemical and even electrical systems, sight, hearing, nerves -- gender, species, racial and familial characteristics that all show the glory of God.
- Ask them to explain how mere accidents (entropy or chaos theory) can explain "genetic programming" of personal uniqueness and even animal instincts. Show them that the immune system, healing of injuries, digestion, even self-awareness, self-development and personality all point to highly organized and purposeful creation that could not be by chance (not by bubbles, acids, entropy and chaos). How could it.
- Show by the Bible -- when debating with a liberal -- that liberals look tedious and "afraid to believe and afraid to change (to repent)" because God is real, but opinions are just like theories.
- Study the Bible to go more deeply into the issues, but do not be put off by seminary (university teachers) as authority. Learning more scriptures and the Word of Jesus will always help you either value your knowledge or strengthen it. Being familiar with the subject is handy for Christian doctrine and teaching -- avoid contempt.
- Remember that hatred is comparable to murder. Refuse to put the blame on God, or even ultimately on the people; the blame lies with secular values and a corrupt society.
- Be angry, but do not allow anger to hang-on or linger because that festering anger may turn to hatred of liberals, progressives, and leftists.
- If the preacher/teacher asks for who supports the conservative ideals, don't be afraid to raise your hand. There's someone out there feeling the same way as you that will appreciate your courage.
- Do not be fooled by the seductive nature of these "leaders" who are not in touch with God. They do not have the Truth or the Good News -- just the idea of change: the world will change for the worse in the end of time. Changing for the worse is an old fact of ignoring the Truth and opting for opinions and theories.
- Some people will try to change you by messing with you when you share your beliefs. Don't let them cause you to doubt or to be confused or a disbeliever. Don't be wishy-washy -- but uphold what you believe!
- Don't lose your personal Christian identity by hiding your point of view too much. Your ideals are not just your opinion, if they are true. Let the Truth of the Gospel speak for you.
- Be aware that some "religious people" who do not choose to literally believe the Bible or in the actual, Biblical God, may appreciate Christianity as an organization and be socializing, meeting and greeting people at a church and may be agnostic "church members" (just like club members). Their idea of church may be just some organization of good friends, even like extended family, and acquaintances who do not need to really believe because they Recognize Church Leaders Who Deny the Power of Christ of God that changes hardened sinners and cures addictions through the Holy Spirit...
- Don't be aggressive. You can get in some serious disagreements, if you make harsh accusations and call people names. Bless and curse not.