Be Interesting in Front of Your Crush

Boys and Girls, do you ever feel you aren't interesting enough? Or you want to attract that cute boy/girl next door and make him think about you more?


  1. Find your unique qualities. If you can't see them, what makes you think someone else will? Can you sing, dance, tell funny jokes? Are you a super honest person?
  2. Be secretive and mysterious without lying or being dishonest.
  3. Learn to 'listen' and 'communicate'. Learn the things s/he likes to do.
  4. Be different. Don't be a follower; be a leader. No one likes the tag along girls or guys that follow the other big loser guys and bitchy girls.
  5. Be yourself. If they don't like you for you, it's not worth it.


  • Don't tell anyone you like him. Only tell your friends if they are 100% trustworthy
  • Don't try too hard.

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