Be a Good Sweeper (Maintenance) at an Amusement Park

Being a sweeper at a theme park is a great summer job for teens and unfortunately, sometimes a last resort job for adults. Whether you want to get a raise or promotion, be recognized, or just help keep the park as clean as possible, these instructions will be to your benefit.


  1. Be punctual. Arrive on time and be ready to work.
  2. Be fast. Walk fast as you scan the ground in all directions with fleeting eyes. As you get more experience, you will get faster at putting down your dust bin and sweeping.
  3. Keep an eye on litter hotspots. You can expect eating tables and food areas to have the most trash. Litter is also common at transition points, such as entrances to buildings where food or drink is prohibited
  4. Stay on your feet and always continue patrolling for trash while you are on shift.
  5. Be hospitable. You were probably told at your training that you should always do this. You don't have to be wearing a grin the whole time, but just don't let your problems at home show on your face. As long as you are not interrupting them, ask guests they are doing and what their favorite rides are. If you are a more of a less talkative person, you don't have to do this. But do be ready to answer questions regarding the location of rides and bathrooms, and the time if you are wearing a watch.
  6. Be knowledgeable about the rides and buildings at the park. Guests will ask you questions, and you need to be ready to answer.
  7. Make the most out of your breaks. During the breaks, you can make phone calls, use the restroom, wash your hands, eat, reapply sunblock, and all the other things.
  8. Go the extra mile.
    • Instead of just sweeping the concrete walkways, completely clean up the planters.
    • Find other areas, that are visible but not accessible to guests, and clean up there. These are often neglected by the maintenance because they are not the primary concern. You will notice a great buildup of trash and leaves there because of that. Guests really do notice those things, and they really do enjoy a clean and pretty park.


  • One sweeper following right behind the other is inefficient, because the one following won't have any trash to pick up. Meet with your co-workers and agree on which certain areas each person should patrol. Another method, which is harder to coordinate, is to go all around the park with each person trailing 5 or so minutes behind the other.

Things You'll Need

  • Lunch
  • Sunblock
  • Phone (optional)
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Water bottle

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