Pass out Flyers
Need publicity to let people know what you are doing? Passing out flyers can be a cheap and fast way to grab people's attention.
- Design or hire someone to make the flyer. Find a website that offers free flyer making or use a program such as Word or Google Docs. Make sure to use bold lettering and bright colors to grab the people's attention right away. Make sure to get right to the point and don't have too much extra information. People will immediately be discouraged and decide not to read any of it.
- Go to a place where you can mass print. Places like Staples and Office Max may charge you a cheaper rate for large orders, ask where the price breaks are, usually 100, 500, 1000+ pages.
- Pick a good spot to pass out the fliers, sometimes a shopping mall or any area with lots of foot traffic. Special events such as home shows can be good. Being in a parade, you do the walking.
- Local colleges, chamber of commerce offices, libraries, bookstores, barbershops, salons, and coffee shops often have bulletin boards you can post on.
- Go to a popular place.
- Make sure to have a smile on your face.
- Look a person in the eye, extend arm with a flier in your and, and make an interest creating comment that will make the person want to take it. "Here is a coupon for a free ____________" can work well.
- Know the local regulations and get permission if it's needed so you are welcome the next time, too.
- Be prepared for wind and rain. Best to carry the fliers in a bag, and also carry tape and push pins.
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