Find a Place to Volunteer at As a Teenager

Maybe it's summer, or maybe you just want to get out of the house and help your community. Whatever it is, this article will help you find places to volunteer!


  1. Search the computer. Go to a search engine and type something in, such as "Volunteer places in Oregon." This will give you a variety of options. You may want to narrow down your search so you get less/more manageable results. There are also many volunteering websites that list jobs open by the area you live in.
  2. Read the paper. Many newspapers have help wanted ads for volunteers. Just read through the paper and see if there's something you would be interested in.
  3. Ask your parents, friends, or school counselors. See if your parents have any ideas on where you could volunteer. Sometimes, you could even help out at their work!
  4. Check the phone book. Look under a section that has volunteer work and make a phone call. Chances are they'd be happy to have some extra hands around.
  5. Look at bulletin boards or street posts. People post flyers up there and chances are you'll find one that is asking for help!
  6. Just get out there and ask. Head over to a place you want to help out at and just ask them if they need help. If not, go somewhere else. There are always places in need of volunteers.


  • Don't expect to get paid! You're doing this for others not yourself!
  • Some good places to volunteer are: soup kitchens, animal shelters, homeless shelters, senior centers, etc.

Things You'll Need

  • Phone book
  • Computer with internet access
  • Newspaper

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