Be a Pretty 10 Year Old Girl

It's easy to be pretty! Hey, if you are you, you already are. Every one is pretty but you don't want to be pretty because of makeup, simply follow these steps and you will remain beautiful!


  1. Be Confident. Confidence is the key to being beautiful.Your personality show a lot more than your looks my friend! .
  2. Adapt your style. You are going to change rapidly over the next few years, if you aren't already changing. Adapting your sense of self now will take you further than ever. Be proud of who you are, and how you present yourself. So keeping clean, fresh, and coming off as being a polite person will come in handy. Finally, don't let other people get you down.
  3. Purchase stylish, yet modest clothing. Remember, not everyone has the same ideas about what is stylish and what is modest. You can still be pretty even if you can't afford new clothes. A truly pretty 10 year old girl looks pretty in any outfit.
    • Your clothes should fit, yet should not hug your body too tightly. This can attract negative attention. Wear leggings with short skirts, cute jeans, shorts, and dresses. Wash your clothing once a week, and make sure that they are stain free. Wear any outfit you like if it makes you feel pretty but remember to think pretty thoughts so how pretty you are shows in your eyes whatever you are wearing.
  4. Let your light shine! Be nice to everyone, even if they aren't so nice back. Help old ladies carry their groceries, pick up something a busy mom dropped. Do small deeds for people and you will be thanked, hopefully. If you see something in your house that is out of place, fix it by yourself and don't make a fuss about it.
  5. Don't get stressed by your looks. Fussing if your tummy is sticking out or you've got really hairy legs is ridiculous! Start worrying about that when your a teen!
  6. Don't Wear Makeup unless you want to. Never feel like you have to. Chances are, you're gorgeous anyway and don't need makeup at this age. If your parents let you, you can wear concealer and lip balm. Don't wear eyeliner or mascara, unless you want to, it can make you look older than 10 - this isn't something you necessarily need right now. Also, do not use a handbag, unless you want to. That will make you seem too mature, in some people's eyes. Do what you wish though. Anyone who judges a ten year old for carrying a purse or handbag has issues. There will be plenty of time for this later.
  7. Adopt good hygiene. You're going through changes (or will be soon) and you need to get in the habit of showering daily, brushing twice a day, etc.
    • Be a neat girl. Have clean nails and make sure there is no dirt under them. Wear clear nail polish if your mom has an issue with you painting your nails. If it's fine with her, choose your favorite colors and ones that match your outfit/personality.
  8. Be healthy. Eat decent food more often than junk. That does not mean becoming anorexic or too skinny. Too skinny or too fat is unhealthy. You should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, move enough every day to get your heart rate up, and drink plenty of water (this means drink water whenever you are thirsty)! Follow these steps and your skin will have a healthy, natural glow.
  9. Try your best in school! Study hard and if you need help, ask! Be something and make your family proud. If you do well in a test, or get a good school report, they will be very proud of you. Learn as much as you can about the world around you and try to have interesting things to say. No, you won't use everything you learn in school, but think of school as a way to teach you how to learn. It sounds funny, but this is a very useful skill.
  10. Be yourself! Don't try to be something you are not. You are unique in your own way, and this makes you just as special as anyone else.
  11. Don't let anyone make you believe you need a boyfriend. This is just not true. Be friends with everyone instead. But beware of hanging out with older, 'cool' people. It could be dangerous for you.
  12. Be fun-loving! Fun people smile more, and chances are people will like you more!
  13. Try to make friends. If you're new in school, smile and try to make some jokes. It'll make the other kids think you'll cool, and want to hang out with you. You never know... those people might be your best friends for life!
  14. Smile. This will make people find you approachable and easy to talk to. Make sure you don't smile so much that it looks unnatural, only show your teeth a little bit and make it look natural.
  15. Have nice hair. Wash it every two days or as often as you want. To make it look pretty, try buying some cute hair clips and headbands if you want.


  • Never make fun of anyone! No one will want to be your friend. Also people will never listen to you.
  • Always smile and be yourself.
  • If you like someones hair or outfit tell them! Everyone likes when they get a compliment tell them that you like it, it makes people like you. It makes you look nice and easy to talk to.
  • Never be rude or bossy cause then no one will notice you if you want to be noticed
  • Never care about what others think. If you feel hyper, go crazy! Who cares if everyone at the grocery store is giving you weird looks? You probably won't ever see them again!
  • Don't worry too much about your hair. Remember, a simple ponytail is beautiful on everyone.
  • Keep your room clean so it will be organized and you can find everything for the day!
  • Don't let people bully you and not tell anyone! it's best to just let your feelings out.
  • Don't wear the same outfit twice in a row or even that week.
  • Be yourself and be happy with who you are no matter what anyone else says or thinks.
  • If you like someone don't be so flirty or fake around them; just be yourself!
  • Be yourself, don't worry about what other people think.
  • Try to even your time between friends because then everyone will really like you, but make sure you study and try to get good grades.
  • You are beautiful even if people say you're not.
  • Ignore the haters and just let the real you shine through!
  • Be creative. find your talent so you can fit in the right crowd.
  • Optionally, you can moisturise your face everyday and use a tinted lip gloss or lightly colored lipstick.


  • If you are too concerned about being pretty and you feel stressed out, try to talk to someone.
  • Don't take this thing too far! If you just want to be yourself, it's okay.
  • These steps apply only to 10 year olds. Do not attempt this if you are not 10 years old.
  • The tips above for appearance are only guides! The only thing you really need to worry about are good hygiene and neat clothes. Leave the fashion worries for high school and college! You'll have more money to spend on it anyway.

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