Be a Smart Teen Driver

With a little extra effort, it’s possible to be a smart, safe teen driver. Start by paying close attention to the road by limiting your number of passengers, turning down the radio, and silencing your phone. For your safety and that of others, always wear a seatbelt and obey all traffic laws. Keep getting as many supervised practice hours as you can, and you’ll soon feel more comfortable behind the wheel.


Minimizing Distractions

  1. Keep your eyes on the road. While driving, don’t put on make-up, play with the radio, eat, or talk with friends in your rearview mirror. Keep asking yourself, “Am I watching the road?” If the answer is “no,” then refocus or pull over and take a break.[1]
    • If your car has an infotainment system, only use it when the vehicle is stopped. Some infotainment systems will block input when the vehicle is in motion.
  2. Never text or talk on the phone while driving. Turn your phone off or place it on silent before you even get into the car. Bluetooth or other “hands-free” devices are one option to consider, but even these increase the risk of getting into an accident. It’s not worth the risk, so just make calls before and after you drive.[2]
    • Many states have passed bans against texting or talking on cell phones while driving. If you break this law you could risk losing your permit or license.[3]
  3. Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Just don’t do it. If you’ve been drinking alcohol, then your reflexes are likely impaired, making it very dangerous to get behind the wheel. Go ahead and call a friend to pick you up or a ride service, such as Uber or Lyft.[4]
    • Also, don’t make the mistake of accepting a ride from anyone else who has been drinking.
    • Some medications can make you drowsy or unfocused, too. Talk with your doctor about non-drowsy drug options.
  4. Stay wide awake when driving. Getting on the road when you are drowsy or fatigued can be hazardous to you and everyone else. Pull over to a safe spot or call a friend or family member for assistance if: you start yawning constantly, your eyes keep closing, you can’t keep your eyes on the road, or if you hit the rumble strips.[5]
    • If you are on a short drive, sometimes simply stopping, stepping out of the car, and getting a soda or coffee can keep you awake enough to get home safely.
  5. Keep the radio turned down. This may sound a bit odd, but listening to loud music can actually be a huge distraction on the road. You may miss important warning noises, such as honking horns or even emergency sirens. Dial the volume down until it is simply background noise when you are driving. Or, better yet, keep the radio off while you are learning.
  6. Download a safe driving app. Some apps, like TextArrest, will disable your phone automatically when you enter your car. The basic mode of this app, as with many others, is free. You pay a fee to upgrade and unlock more features. Other apps, such as DriveScribe, track your driving habits and offer rewards based on safe behaviors.

Following Traffic Laws

  1. Make everyone wears their seat belts. When you first get into your car, make a habit of putting on your seatbelt. Also, don’t let any of your passengers ride with you unless they wear their seat belts. Since it is your vehicle, make it your responsibility to protect everyone inside of it.[6]
    • Don’t allow more people in your car than the number of open seat belts.
  2. Go the speed limit. Look for the posted signs and stick to the limit. Keep an eye on your speedometer closely to make sure that you stay on target.[7] Going over the speed limit cuts down your reaction time and is a huge risk factor for accidents.[8]
  3. Use your turn signals. Flip on your signal with plenty of time in advance before turning or changing lanes. This gives other drivers enough time to react before you make any moves. When you are finished turning or changing lanes, then turn it back off.[9]
  4. Pass with caution. Passing can be one of the most critical skills that new drivers must master. Take your time when deciding to pass and make sure that you’ve fully cleared the other car before moving back into the lane. Keep to the speed limit when passing, but try to speed up a bit so that you don’t hang out in their blind spot.[10]
    • Don’t make a move to pass: if there isn’t enough space; if the line is solid yellow; if there is a blind spot, like a hill, ahead; if there is a tunnel ahead; or if there is road construction being completed.
    • Sometimes, passing and changing lanes only saves you a few minutes, so it might be safer to stay in your lane if you're already driving the speed limit.[11]
  5. Practice defensive driving. Just because you are committed to following the law doesn’t mean that others drivers will. Don’t assume that other people on the road are good drivers. Instead, watch other drivers carefully and take your time before making a move. If you see an aggressive driver, try to get far away from them as quickly as you can.[12]
    • For example, don’t assume that another driver will actually make a turn based on them using their turn signal. Wait until they’ve actually completed their turn before making your move.

Gaining Experience

  1. Drive with a license or legal permit only. Driving without a valid license could result you in fines, community service, or even jail time. Know the restrictions that apply to your license and permit. Most permits require that you are accompanied by a legal driver over 21 years of age. Most licensees face a probationary period when they cannot drive with minors in their car. Make sure to follow these rules closely, or you could end up facing a delayed or removed license.[13]
    • Driving laws vary by state, so check your local Department of Motor Vehicles website for details.
    • Carry your paper permit, paper temporary license, and final license with you when driving. This way you can show them to a police officer upon request.
  2. Practice driving with other adults. Aim for at least 30 to 50 hours of supervised driving time after you have your license in hand. This lets you continue to learn and safely make mistakes while being watched over by a more experienced driver. Ask your parents to help out or reach out to a family friend. Vary your practice sessions by driving in all conditions and at different times of the day.[14]
  3. Attend a teen driving skills program. After you’ve received your license or permit, you can still take classes to improve your skills on the road. Contact your local police department to ask if they are currently offering any courses. Some non-profits and companies, like UPS, hold classes for teens, too.[15]
    • These classes are often offered free of charge and you get to practice with the newest technology, like driving simulators.[16]
  4. Ease into nighttime driving. Many cities or counties require that new teen drivers follow a curfew for the first few months up to a year. To find out the exact restrictions, check with your police department. Even without a formal curfew, it is a good idea to limit your night driving to emergencies only until you have a few years of experience.[17]
    • When you do drive at night or even at dawn/dusk, use your headlights. This makes it easier for other drivers to see you.[18]
  5. Limit bad weather driving. Heavy rain, snow, sleet, or fog can test the best driver. Check the forecast before you leave on a drive and if the weather looks bad, delay your trip until it clears. If you have to go, then triple the space between you and the car in front.[19] Remember that you can always pull over to a safe spot if you need to.[20]
    • Don’t activate cruise control if the roads are slick. It will delay your reaction time and give you less control over the vehicle.[21]
  6. Sign a teen driver contract. Sit down with your parents and write up a driving agreement. This document can apply to all drivers in the household, not just you. It should address issues such as cell phone use, practicing good driving skills, and how to react in dangerous situations. Have everyone sign the contract and agree to celebrate every six months that it is followed.[22]
    • If you are a responsible driver, but your parents are worried about your safety, signing a contract is one way that you can offer them some reassurance.

Driving a Safe Vehicle

  1. Select a safe car. Get a car that has many safety and navigation tools. Anti-lock brakes and stability control features will make you a smarter and safer teen driver. They buy you extra time in the event of a potential accident. Even a well working defroster can improve your visibility.[23]
    • You can find the safety rating of most vehicles by entering the year, make, and model information into an auto website, such as Edmunds.
  2. Perform regular maintenance on your car. Keep your tire pressure at the proper levels. Get an oil change as often as your owner’s manual recommends, usually 3,000 miles. Check that all of your fluids, like power steering, are filled up. Wipe off your mirrors and windows to improve visibility. Taking good care of your car can make it easier to be a safe driver.[24]
    • It sometimes helps to keep a journal on your phone or a paper notebook in your glove compartment listing dates and information for all maintenance performed.
    • Enrolling in a roadside assistance program, like AAA, is a great way to protect yourself in case you have a breakdown.
  3. Make sure that you have enough gas. Before you set off on a trip, check your gas gauge. Try to keep your tank at least a quarter full at all times. This gives you enough gas to make it through bad traffic safely. Your car will also run better when it’s not running on fumes.[25]


  • When you drive through a forested area, watch for any wildlife darting into the road.


  • Set aside some money in case you get a ticket. And, keep your insurance active by always paying for it on time.[26]

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  7. [v161212_b01]. 4 December 2019.
  11. [v161212_b01]. 4 December 2019.
  19. [v161212_b01]. 4 December 2019.