Find a Reputable Driving School

Learning how to drive is a big rite of passage for every teenager, one that you have to undertake before you can get your diving license. But, since it is less common for high schools to offer driving lessons you are probably one of those teens who need to find the best driving school. Finding a driving school that is fairly priced and close to your home is very important, after all you do not want to shell out many bucks on top of round trip gas fare. Also, you need to keep in mind that you are making an important investment towards your driving future and safety on the road. With most states requiring 24- 30 hours of classroom training and up to 6 hours of supervised on the road training, you certainly do want value for your time and money. So, here is a four step guide that will help you find the best driving lessons in your area.


  1. Search for driving schools in your area. You can either flip through the yellow pages, do an online search or ask for recommendations from friends and family. Once you have got a couple of schools in your list, it is time to scrutinize as you narrow them down.
  2. Narrow down your options. Ensure that every school in your list is accredited by the state’s DMV. You can either call the school or check online for this. During your inquiry, ask about the prices as well as the lesson packages. If everything is within your budget and the school seems credible, then you need to schedule a visit. You are going to learn how to drive from the school you choose, so you are better off making sure that it is one you like and are comfortable with.
  3. Compare the schools. Once you have visited, study the school. A good driving school should be well organized, with descent sized classes, updated classrooms and student cars as well as driving simulators for realistic and safe practice. Find out if the driving curriculum contains lessons such as defensive driving and car maintenance along with basics contained in the DMV manual. If the school does not measure up to these, keep moving on till you find the right school.
  4. Negotiate. Once you have found a good driving school, but the price is too high, then try negotiating. Most driving schools offer discounts or installment payment plans.

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