Drive Below the Speed Limit

Driving slowly below the speed limit can be a great way to keep safe on treacherous highways, blind curves, and all sorts of other dangerous roadway hazards. Follow these simple steps to put your safety first, before your desire to get there on time.


  1. Maintain your speed at least {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} below the speed limit. This ensures you don't go so slowly that you violate any laws applicable to where you're driving. The speed limits are determined by taking drivers' speeding tendencies into account, and safe, experienced drivers know to slow down substantially in rain or snowy conditions.
  2. Watch for speed limit changes and adjust accordingly. Also, check the weather and the relative density of cars on the road. Another variable you need to keep track of is the width of the road, which will give you an idea of how much space you have to maneuver. Wider roads are o.k. for going slightly faster.
  3. Use your own judgement. Speed limits are an upper limit, and lower limits may exist based on the local laws, but speed is ultimately your decision. Know what your car is capable of and watch how your car's steering responds to the speed of the car. The average car needs about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} of braking distance to come to a complete stop from {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}(miles per hour).
  4. Keep in mind how much you want to avoid an accident. This cannot be stressed enough
  5. Avoid freeways if at all possible. If you must use freeways, please stick to the right lane, and let the faster traffic pass you, even if they are driving above the speed limit.
  6. Stay out of the fast lane. This lane is reserved for passing and fast drivers. You will incur less hostility if you stay in the right lane.
  7. Avoid rush hour. At this time, drivers are most reluctant to be caught behind you
  8. Get a substantially less powerful car. This way, you will not be tempted to pass the speed limit.


  • Get in touch with other drivers who respect the speed limit. Form a club or association to establish more clout in persuading local authorities to enforce the speed limit.
  • Find a new job closer to home. This way, you can make up for the lost time in your commute.


  • You may hear a lot more horns, and be flipped off a lot more often by other drivers.
  • Don't drive with an uncalibrated speedometer. It is important to know exactly how fast you are going.
  • Try to drive on streets with many red lights. This will make your slower driving more palatable to fellow drivers.
  • Don't drive this way in the United States or any major city abroad.
  • Avoid freeways, or at least don't get in the way of people who wish to drive faster.

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