Become Friends With a Guy
Despite the words of wisdom spouted in When Harry Met Sally, it is possible for a girl and guy to be platonic friends. Whether the pair is naturally not sexually attracted to each other or just have the ability to exercise reasonable self-control, the following tips will help you cultivate true friendships with members of the opposite sex.
- Find someone to become friends with! Look for a guy that you either know is interested in being mates with you, has the same interests as you, or that would make a good friend. It's quite good if the guy has at least one interest similar to you, otherwise you would have nothing to do or talk about.
- Once you've found your guy friend of choice, talk to him like any other person. Watch out for any flirting from either of you - you don't want them getting the wrong impression! Find out what they like, and encourage that in small talk. Let the guy know that you want to talk about his favorite topics too!
- After some small talk, your new guy friend should understand that you are friends. Give that guy some room, let him go to other people and see new faces other than just yours. If you see that guy during the day, say "hi" or wave, let him know you're there without getting in his face. He will hopefully realize that you're being friendly. Again ,be watchful for flirting. The last thing you want is that awkward wrong impression.
- Get that guy with a couple of your other friends. It's always better to be with a group and get to know each other than in a tight area with just you two. Being in a crowd simply lets him know that you want his attention for talking and hanging, not anything more. Once he's comfortable with your friends and you, ask him if he wants to hang out. If he says he can't, don't be worried.
- Sometimes, girls can be too much in a guy's face, which is annoying. If he is annoyed by you, you can easily tell. Don't be put down if he says no to your suggestion of hanging out. If you are becoming friends, then there will be plenty of other opportunities!
- Build up your confidence. Find things you're great at, and praise yourself. It may seem silly, but repeating, "I'm great at _______, and I'm proud of it," in the mirror for ten times a day will help. Guys want to hang around confident people. Who would want to hang around someone who hates themselves?
- Take care of basic hygiene. Shower frequently and use deodorant. Trim your nails and get your hair cut. Wear clothes you would wear normally. Don’t overdo the makeup and perfume. Some guys hate makeup used in excess, and others are allergic to perfume. But don't look or smell like a slob!
- Be yourself. See if your school has a club that deals with your favorite activity. If you’re home-schooled, there are many businesses like art programs that would love to have you join them. There are guys who go to art programs.
- Once you see a guy, try to talk to him. If he’s in your club, there you go! Instant conversation! If you want to talk about something else, talk about something like:
- How gross the lunch was today – “Was there something crawling in the meatloaf surprise?”
- How the weather is today. An old standby, but still a great conversation starter.
- How the football game went. Many guys like sports, and if you went to or heard about the big game, he would love to talk to you about it.
- Show interest. If you liked your conversation, tell him you have to go but would love to talk to him again. When you see him again, talk to him! The more you talk, the better bond you’ll grow. It may be embarrassing being seen with a boy if you’re younger, but it pays off. Many friendships grow and bloom, and sometimes even become “something more.”
- Once you have your (boy) friend, invite him over for stuff and have a great time hanging out. Tease him and have fun with him. Just don't go to far or do it too much because he will start to think you're fake. Your friendship will become as strong as ever! Good luck!
- If you see that guy more than once in a day, choose a few times where he comes to you, not vice versa. If he comes to you, that's a good sign that he wants to be friends.
- Guys can be somewhat perverted around their friends, so don't worry if he cracks jokes, play along!
- Talk to some of his friends too, let them know that you're there.
- Just be yourself. And he'll like you.
- When he's talking to his friends, stand by him and contribute to the conversation.
- Crack jokes around him and just generally be witty and sarcastic but do NOT be loud or obnoxious because no one likes an attention seeker.
- Don't talk about yourself all the time! Let the conversation flow, talk about general topics, don't be over the top.
- Don't be annoying, let him come to you sometimes, stay out of his face.
- Watch out for flirting.
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