Blow Saliva Bubbles

How to blow natural saliva bubbles out of your mouth. Endless fun with a cat or dog.


  1. Touch the tip of your tongue to the gums under your lower front teeth. You are trying to create a "sheet" of saliva between the two.
  2. When you have a sheet of saliva, pull your tongue back very slightly and at the same time start to raise it over the the lower teeth. Move it forward so that it touches just under the lower lip.
  3. With the lower lip area acting to keep the sheet from moving forward, curl the front of the tongue down slightly to slide it under the sheet and then simultaneously curve the very tip of the tongue up to capture it and slide it back onto the tongue. If it doesn't pop, it will form a half bubble sitting on your tongue. This will require some monkeying around to get right, but like most directions, it sounds much harder or more complex than it actually is.
  4. Blow the bubble off the tongue very gently. Now, this is the most difficult part of this trick. you want to very gently push it onto your lower lip and then slowly out. It will take lots of practice. But, don't get tensed, you will slowly master it. You will likely have more that will pop than float out. Practice, practice, practice.
  5. If you are ambitious enough, you can learn to blow the bubble above your head and catch it on your tongue and then blow the same bubble back out.


  • Making bubbles is a lot easier if the saliva has a nice slimy consistency (after eating a lollipop or something sticky or brushing your teeth), not a watery consistency like normal saliva.
  • Some people will regard this as just spitting without considering the novelty of it. So use common sense about where you do this. It may not be appropriate for all situations.
  • You may wish to watch yourself in a mirror to see what is actually happening and get your bearings until you get the basics of it.


  • The ability to blow saliva bubbles in public without eliciting strange expressions varies inversely with age.
  • Due to all the diseases out there, don't blow the bubbles toward anyone's face as they can't be sure what you may have.

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