Build a Minecraft Spaceship

Spaceships in minecraft are hard to make. Some people stumble on the shape and size. Others don't know what to put in it. Here is the stuff you need to know about making one in minecraft!


  1. Write down what you want in the craft on the piece of paper. Bridge, cafeteria, engineering, botany bay, airlocks etc.
  2. Log into minecraft and get some quartz, glass and things you'll need. Start the docking area. You may want to fit a viewing section in at the back.
  3. Create some security checking facilities, then start to do the living area. Cabins, cafe, rumpus room.
  4. Add some airlocks and escape pods around the sides.
  5. Curve upwards, adding research centers and experiment facilities.
  6. End with the bridge and the Captains quarters.
  7. Polish up your creation with glowstone and windows to make the outside look better.


  • Use interesting shapes. No-one likes the odd floating square.
  • Before you add in jail cells, figure out what type of ship yours is. Is it a prison? A cruise?
  • Don't use wood. It looks tacky.
  • Some people do the outside template and add the inside afterwards. It does work but keep in mind that you may run out of space or vice versa.

Things You'll Need

  • A pen and paper
  • Quartz, glass and other spaceship items

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