Bunny Hop on a Dirt Jumper (Bike)

The first basic trick performed on any bike is the bunny-hop. In the case of dirt jumpers or downhill bikes, the frames are slightly more heavy than that of a BMX, so it requires a little more "oomph."


  1. Get on the bike and begin to pedal until you reach a reasonable speed.
  2. Shift your center of gravity backwards so you lean just above the rear of the saddle.
  3. Stand on your pedals and stop pedaling, resting your feet at the same height.
  4. Quickly pull the handle bars upwards and towards you, balancing on your rear wheel.
  5. As this occurs, begin to lean forwards in order to stabilize as you begin to lift.
  6. This should result in a short jump in the air, like that of a bunny hopping.
  7. As you begin to come down, brace your legs and try to take as much of the impact as you can in your knees, the suspension will take the rest.
  8. After, you should touch down and continue to move along.
  9. Brake; get off your bike; and do a silly dance... you've done your first bunny-hop!


  • This is the basis to getting all large air from jumps. From this further tricks can be added, such as tail whips, one-handers and table-tops.
  • This is the key to clearing huge gaps and flat-lands. Without it, gap's would be near impossible!
  • It takes practice, don't get frustrated if you can't do it first time... just try again!
  • Once you've mastered this, go ahead and build a dirt park in your garden... with permission of course.
  • Be sure to have a fairly good bike.


  • Make sure people know where you are; if you wipe out and hurt yourself, there's nothing worse than going missing.
  • Biking of any kind is dangerous, remember to wear a helmet as minimum.
  • If you get really into this (like me!) it is worth buying gloves, shin guard and a full-faced helmet etc.
  • Always bring a mobile or cycle with a mate.

Things You'll Need

  • A decent bike.
  • A helmet and other safety gear.
  • Flat land or steep downhill.
  • Permission

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