Do a Jump on a Bike

When trying to do a jump on a push bike, it is very important to wear a helmet and start off small. It is bad to start of big because you have no experience and could hurt yourself really badly.


  1. Ensure that you have enough room to land and roll on after the jump. Now start riding at a good pace. If you don't ride fast enough you might not make it up the jump.
  2. As you are riding towards the jump, try and picture where you are going to land and roll off to. But don't get caught up in planing and forget the jump is there.
  3. As you approach the jump, lean forward but don't lean forward over the whole jump or you won't get any air.
  4. When you feel the bike go up the jump, lean back to make the bike get good air.
  5. It is always a good idea to land both tires on the ground at the same time. Or you can land back wheel first, but when landing back wheel first your arms will jolt because of the front tire smashing into the ground.


  • Begin gradually and be persistent. You will improve with practice.
  • Always wear a helmet.


  • This can be dangerous when landing badly. Always have a parent there when doing it for the first time.

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