Call a Guy
Are you nervous about impressing the guy you like when you call him? Don't worry, just follow these steps and the call should go well!
- Before you call, make sure you actually have a reason to call him. Homework, you met him earlier, need to ask him something, etc... And find a good way to break the ice.
- Make sure you have a nice quiet environment where you get good reception on your phone. It's hard to talk and sound sweet while screaming into the phone because he can't hear you or your friends are talking too loud.
- If you usually don't talk a lot or are really nervous, make a list of ideas to talk about that involve his interests or what you want to talk about. Sometimes you can get scared and forget everything you meant to say.
- Initiate the conversation. Avoid awkward silences by asking him a question when you feel like an awkward silence is going to happen. Don't ask a yes/ no question, like, do you like bowling. Ask him a question that needs a long answer, such as, what's your favorite part in -insert his favourite film- and why?If he is not a really shy person, then let him talk.
- If he starts talking a lot about something, he's probably really enthusiastic about it, and he likes it. Get him talking about this to loosen him up, and it's good to show that you're interested in him.
- Laugh at his jokes, and ask him questions about himself. Ask him about his interests. Ask him things like what his favourite football team is, or what kind of music he likes.
- Try to relate to him and find similarities. Then use these similarities later on. If you want to ask him on a date and you know you both like horror films, ask him to the cinema to see the new scary film!!
- If he is busy, ask him to call you back, don't offer to call him back.
- When you're done talking and it was a success, suggest another call or meet somewhere to keep his interest.
- If he doesn't sound interested, don't get mad, ask him more questions but don't be a pest! Don't ask him personal things like "Do you have a girlfriend?!" or "Have you had any problems lately?!". It will make you sound like a stalker.
- Don't talk about something that he obviously can't stand. Not all guys are interested in what your friends gossip about.
- Try to be yourself, don't ever be fake or try to act like someone you are not. You will look like a poser.
- if he's busy, and can't call you the next day or something, have either IM or email as a secondary source .
- NEVER text him and just be like "Can I call you some time?". That will sound dumb.
- If you feel an a silence coming on really soon and have run out of questions, then end the conversation. It's better to end on a good note rather then having him remember, "oh yeah, the last phone call ended with an awkward silence." If it ends awkward, he might become less willing to call again.
- Talk about him, but throw in something about yourself once in awhile. He wants to know about you to.
- Do not call when YOU are busy. He will not like it if you are eating, fighting with your little brother or running laps while trying to talk with him. Instead, find a time when you are free and sit down and call him.
- Do NOT constantly call him. He will get annoyed and ignore you every time.
Things You'll Need
- A phone
- His number
- No distraction
- Things to talk about- especially if you're shy