Change the Font Size in a Browser

It is difficult sometimes to read the news or any article on Internet, just because of that microscopic font size, which forces the readers to stick their eyes on the screen. Follow the steps specified in this article, and learn how to change your Font Size on your web browser.


Changing Font Size in Firefox

  1. Go to Tools > Options
  2. Click the "Content" tab and look for "Fonts and Colors".
  3. The default is 16.

Changing Font Size in Internet Explorer

  1. Go to "View" then "Text size".
  2. Choose from smallest to largest. Choose what size best suits you.

Change Font Size by Zooming

Note that this enlarges everything on the page, including images.

  1. Press the Control key (PC) or Command key (Mac) which are on the bottom row of the keyboard near the Space bar.
  2. While still holding down the command/control key, press the key to the left of backspace. This will make the font bigger.
    • To make the font smaller, press the key to the right of the zero key. (these two keys are usually the - and + keys) An alternative to the + and - keys is the scroll wheel on your mouse. To return the text to the default size press the zero key.

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