Curve While Driving a Scooter

Driving a scooter is similar to riding a bicycle, with a few important differences. Driving around a curve can seem daunting, but with preparation and practice it as a skill that can be mastered easily.


  1. Be aware of your surroundings. Is there a vehicle on the road that you must avoid? Is there a vehicle backing out of a driveway? Is there sand or leaves on the ground where you will be turning? Notice where items are and, if they are moving, where they will be when you get closer.
  2. Slow down. It is best to enter a turn slowly and then accelerate into the turn rather than try and slow down when you are in the turn.
  3. Focus on where you want to be next. Looking at the point where you want the scooter to go will help you get there. If you look to the right, you will move toward the right.
  4. As you enter the turn, move the handlebars slightly in the opposite direction of the turn. This "countersteering" may seem counterintuitive, but it works because gyroscopic forces on the wheel will make the scooter lean in toward the turn. With the small wheels of a scooter you do not need to countersteer very much.
  5. Lean into the turn. Countersteering will help you do this, but a slight lean into the turn (if you are turning right, your right hand will be closer to the ground) will help the scooter follow a smooth arc of a turn.
  6. Accelerate slowly. A little gas while you are in the turn will help the tires grip the pavement. While you are in the turn, try not to use the front brake or slow down. If you must slow down, use the rear brake. In the middle of a turn, a slipping front tire can cause you to drop the scooter on the ground.
  7. Even out. Return to your normal driving.


  • Use caution and enter the turn slowly.
  • Accelerate into the turn
  • Use counter steering


  • Use caution and enter the turn slowly.