Date a Player

Dreaming about the hottie with the gorgeous eyes? Got a weakness for that buff babe who treats girls like they're replaceable? Can't resist his bad boy image and willing to take a chance? Well, here it is--instructions on how to date a player.


  1. Ask yourself what you want out of this. Chances are he won't stick around long enough for a real relationship, so if you have a fantasy of you two getting married and having some kids, wake up. Be prepared to accept that he is a player! If you know that you can handle him, move on to the next step.
  2. Get his interest. What type of girl does he like? The good girl, the virgin, the bookworm, the popular girl, the bimbo, or the wild rebellious girl? Find out and do it. Yes, you may have to change who you are if you want to date a player. If you don't want to change yourself, go back to dating regular guys.
    • If you don't know what kind of girl he likes, here's a suggestion: players (like normal guys) prefer girls who are not trashy. Dress like a lady, be feminine, be sexy, look like you have a busy social life, and ALWAYS respect yourself. When it's appropriate (such as at a dance or nightclub) show some skin.
  3. Mentally prepare. Players are players because they act like girls are replaceable. Get ready--he will most likely treat you in the same way. Be ready to walk away from the relationship, and/or be used and dumped by him.
  4. Players are mostly in it for the thrill of the chase and the sex. If you want to keep a player around, it's going to depend on several things:
    • Can you two actually be friends--are you compatible?
    • Can you put up with his cheating?
    • Players are generally insensitive to a woman's needs--are you willing to sacrifice your self-esteem to be with him?
    • Are your prepared to have sex/lose your virginity with him?
  5. Play it cool. Do not be like every other dispensable girl in the room. Waste no time flattering his ego, because it's already big enough.
  6. NEVER ask him out. Wait for him to ask you out. If he is not totally out of your reach (eg, he's the hottest guy around, you're chubby and he's into skinny girls), at some point when he sees you hanging around him enough he might ask you out. In general guys like girls that are more familiar.
  7. Prepare for the breakup. Once you bore a player, he'll either cheat on you or dump you (as long as you don't dump him first). So brace yourself for the time that he dumps you. Don't take it personally; he's a player.
  8. Come out of it all and be satisfied. In the worst case scenario, you got to date the bad boy--the kind of guy that other guys only wished they could be. Even though he dumped you (or maybe you dumped him), carve a notch on your bedpost and call it even.


  • Remember, players like fun girls; not clingy ones.
  • Be a bigger player. Players like the thrill, the chase, and the hunt. They also like these qualities in other people. So find a hobby and go crazy about it. This will help when he talks about random hot women; you'll have something to combat it with like a new stitch you learned crocheting.
  • Remember they are not looking for a long lasting relationship. You are expendable so don't take it too badly if he dumps you.
  • If the player you're after is ungodly handsome, you have to realistically evaluate yourself. Either you become the woman of his dreams (size, shape, dress, personality), or give up because a thousand other girls will be working just as hard to date him.
  • To be able to handle a player, you should have had at least 2 relationships with non-players before you date a player. You need to rack up some experience with normal guys before taking on a player.
  • Date a player, sleep with a player, leave a player.
  • Never ever expect him to commit right away! You have to work hard !


  • You might lose your self-esteem, happiness, and self-respect because of him.
  • This might become a shameful episode in your life that will be recalled as a lesson for your children in later years.
  • May create cynicism towards men and relationships in general.
  • Dating a player may alert friends and family to intervene and try to find you a better boyfriend.
  • You might lose your dignity and cause others to shake their heads slowly when you walk by.
  • You might get sexually transmitted infections/diseases from having sex with him.

Things You'll Need

  • Condoms (No joke)

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