Decorate a Room Like Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger is bright, clever, and loves books. A 'Hermione Granger' room should reflect what Hermione likes and what her habits or hobbies are.


  1. Decorate your room with plenty of inspirational photos and pictures, whether framed or on a board. The one thing Hermione values more than reading is friendship and family.
  2. Keep reminders and notes in your room, which you can put on a bulletin board along with your photos and a couple of stickers. Be careful not to add too many or they will begin to look cluttered.
  3. Get a trunk or trunk substitute. Not everyone can afford an authentic trunk like the one Hermione Granger has. So a stylish and more affordable way to store your stuff would be a couple of brown leather storage boxes. To give it more of a wizarding effect, you can also add a Gryffindor luggage tag. This is a stylish way to keep organized.
  4. Get a bookshelf. You can't have a 'Hermione Granger' bedroom without a bookshelf. Have all of your Harry Potter books and some of your other favorites on it. (Red bookshelf only works if you are making your room look like Hermione's hotel room.)
  5. Acquire a desk. The color doesn't matter (as long as it's not bright pink) but your 'Hermione Granger' room should have a desk. You can put a wand or a quill on it, if you have one, along with a journal. A cute addition would be a small cauldron (easily found at any Halloween site or store) to keep your writing utensils in (A small cauldron on a high table would do, because Hermione doesn't want children touching it). It of course needs a lamp. Leave the rest up to your imagination.
  6. Keep the color of the wall light. Baby blue or lavender work, if not white.
  7. Add a poster of your beloved female icon. You can frame it, or not. Another item you may want to add is a banner of her house, Gryffindor, or some other wall decorations.
  8. For your bedspread or quilt, any color or pattern is fine. (Blue only works if you are going for Apartment Life. No neon colors (or darks) however, add a few cute, patterned decorative pillows. Make sure it goes nicely with your wall color.
  9. Add nice patterned curtains and a rug. A big comfy chair, with a bit of muggle technology and your room will be looking brilliant! Remember Hermione is very tidy and organized so keep it clean.


  • Don't put up too many posters or décor on walls, or it may begin to look cluttered.
  • Remember Hermione is very tidy so keep a clean room!
  • If you really want a wizard feel to your room, try to find empty, tinted bottles and label them with names, such as 'frog spawn'.
  • Remember to avoid bright, dark and especially neon, colors.
  • Don't have furniture that is white.
  • Add a small lamp to your desk, but don't get a brightly colored lamp.

Things You'll Need

  • Bookcase
  • Bed
  • Desk
  • Books
  • Harry Potter/Gryffindor merchandise (optional)
  • Red bookshelf
  • Old teddy bear and chest
  • Glow in the dark radio
  • Empty cans and labels

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