Draw Ballet Slippers

Ballet slippers are shoes designed specifically for ballerinas. They are usually made of soft fabric, satin, or leather and are very thin and flexible. This tutorial will guide you in draw a cute pair of ballet slippers to add as a detail to your next dance-themed party invitations or other drawings.


Classic Ballet Slippers

  1. Make two oval shapes next to one other. Draw them toward the bottom of the page to leave space in the upper part of the page for the slipper's ribbons, or even someone with the slippers on their feet.
  2. Make two smaller ovals inside the bigger ovals. These will serve as the interior of the slipper.
  3. Sketch the ribbons. Make all four ribbons knotted into one bow, as shown. Try to twist the ribbons around each other as much as you can to make them look fancier or more intricate. Remember: it's okay to erase as long as you try again.
  4. Neatly outline the slippers and the ribbons over the sketch. Make the shape of the slippers slimmer, and put lines in the interior where the foot would have pressed down. (This is especially important if you want to make your slippers appear used.)
  5. Outline the drawing with a black liner. Use a modular line (which passes from thick to thin line in a single drawing for realistic effect). Erase the pencil. Add color.
    • Of course the standard color for ballet slippers is pink, but you can give yours any color or patterns that you'd like.

Cute Ballet Slippers

  1. Start with a clean sheet of sheer white paper. Make sure there that there are no marks because when the drawing is finished it will give it a crystal finish.
  2. Start at the bottom of the shoe, making a curved line that goes from left to right, the curve point facing south. Once you have drawn the first curve draw a second one with the left end slightly behind the other curve.
  3. Draw the middle part of the shoe by starting from left side, drawing a curve, (curve point facing east), that goes slightly in. On the right side of the shoe, do the same process. On the shoe do the same but you won't have to left side because the other shoe will cover it up.
  4. Draw the top of the shoe. Draw a sort of long ball at the top of the shoe that will connect both ends of the shoe together, repeating the process for the other shoe.
  5. Draw the ribbons. To draw them, start with zig-zags from the top of the shoe upwards. Then add some structure by making the lines about an inch thick, maybe smaller depending on how big your shoe is. Do this for both shoes.
  6. Colour in your shoes using pencils. Always remember to colour them all the same way with your pencil so you don't get streaky lines down your drawing.
  7. Outline the whole thing in a darker colour than you used to colour it in.


  • Draw lightly in pencil so that you can easily rub out mistakes.

Things You'll Need

  • A piece of paper
  • A pencil
  • A rubber
  • Pens (optional)
  • Coloured pencils (optional)

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