Draw Face Profiles

Have you ever tried to draw realistically but never got the hang of it? In this article, we'll teach you how to draw a face profile, realistically! Not only is it easy, but the results are absolutely realistic and face-like.


  1. Start with the forehead. Observe people around you. Is their forehead curved inwards or outwards? Is it straight? The simplest is just to do it slightly curved, don't make it too long or too short, or your person will look disfigured.
  2. Do the nose. All noses are different, but the simplest is just to do a straight nose, getting bigger and bigger, till it ends in a curve, and IMPORTANT, curves back into a lip. Observe people's upper lips. Do they end sharply? No. Most human's lips are curved. Make the nose larger and the nostrils more prominent if your drawing is of a man.
  3. Do the mouth. It's simpler to draw the person's mouth closed and unsmiling. Men's lips are usually thinner and sharper on paper. If it's a woman, make the lips rounder and softer. Go in, then do the chin. Curve after than into a neck, you can do the "Adams Apple" on the neck if it's a man.
  4. Now, you have your outline. Draw hair and the head. The hairstyle can be drawn covering parts of the face or not. Make the hair neat and simple, but try to do wispy little hairs sticking out a little to make it more lifelike. Look around you at other people to get ideas on hairstyles and how to draw different parts of the hair like braids.
  5. If it's a man you're drawing, make the eyebrows bushier (but following a line because you should always have a line to for the eyebrow, or they look a mess. The line will be covered up by the hair you drew). If it's a woman or a child, make the eyebrows thinner or/and shorter. #Now for the eyes, make a sort of rounded triangle, with the pupil poking out a little. Look at the picture to see what I mean.
  6. Trace over the lips, eyes and your beginning outline. The rest of the things you have drawn are details—you don't need to trace them over.


  • You can add a few moles and scars if you want—but make sure they're not as prominent as the outline. The outline is the most important part.


  • Pencil
  • Eraser (in case)
  • Sharpener (optional)
  • Pen/marker (optional)

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