Draw a Sad Face

Do you want to draw a sad face? Although it is one of the most simple things related to art, some people still have trouble with it. Follow these easy steps to draw a sad face!


  1. Draw a large circle on a piece of paper
  2. Inside the circle draw two oval shapes for the eyes.
  3. Draw eyebrows pointed up, like this- /\.
  4. Draw a nose of any shape or size.
  5. Draw a half circle facing down.
  6. Color your picture any color that you wish. Adding a teardrop makes the face look more sad. Make it colorful, creative, whatever. It's your sad face!


  • To make a different expression for the face, try changing the shapes and the positions of the eyebrows and mouth.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Crayons
  • Eraser
  • Picture to help you through the procedure

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