Draw Faster

It all depends on how much detail you want to include in the final drawing. If you get bored of drawing easily, then it's best for you to draw a "simple" picture that is finished quickly.


  1. Forget the rules. One might assume that drawing or painting has to be done in a certain way. Beginners may try to draw very small and exacting and find it very difficult. For a professional artist it might be whatever gets the job done, whether it is copying, tracing, free hand, whatever.
  2. Go for the end result. The patron does not buy the technique but the finished product. For quick, more free-form drawing one might try to use very large paper, chalk or high number soft lead pencil and draw using the whole arm and even body in broad sweeping motions. The idea here is to feel the subject of the drawing, attempt to capture that feeling, as a more sweeping essence of lines.
  3. Consider abstract representation. One does not have to replicate the subject exactly. One is free to do what they want with it and change it however they see fit. One can attempt to duplicate photographic likeness, or can make one's own interpretation by subtracting or adding. One can shade with large block of charcoal used at different angles or broad pencil scribbling.
  4. Experiment. It is always good to experiment and try different techniques to see what one can learn. One can also try to draw not from an external subject, but by attempting to bring a subject up out of the subconscious, as complete made-up fantasy as sometimes self-psychological-insights, or some combination thereof.
  5. Try to nail down all the basics of the subject as quickly as possible. Block in the basic shapes and geometries. Then if you're still not bored you can start to indicate shadows and form. But the important thing is to get the basics down first. This really shouldn't take more than a few seconds. Then correct your misjudgments until you are satisfied.
  6. Do Not Give In to the Artist's Disease. I am talking about the moment when the art piece is almost done, but the artist gets picky and keeps adding "final touches", and ends up taking a long time to finish (or never finishes at all).


  • Put in the hours practicing - if you do an hour's worth of 30-second drawings twice a week you will soon see a noticeable improvement.
  • Practice! Just keep practicing. Also, if you know you will want to draw something ahead of time, practice drawing that before you actually need to.
  • Try to think of drawing as a process, rather than just a means to an end. Enjoy the sensations of producing the work, and experiment with different media outside of your comfort zone.
  • Plan to throw away a certain number of your drawings. Get some cheap paper and a big chunk of charcoal and do some 30-second sketches using a timer. Move after each one to get a different angle. This is more easily done standing.
  • Try playing www.iSketch.net


  • Good work takes time. If you want to do a really good drawing, take your time.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Something to draw with (e.g. a pencil)
  • An idea of what you want to draw
  • Time

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