Draw Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds can be found all over the world. They beat their wings so fast that they produce a humming sound, hence their name. This tutorial will teach you how to easily draw one of these beautiful birds.


  1. Just Draw an oval for the head and a small circle inside it for the eye. Please Don't worry about the proportions being exact, just try to get it as close as you can to the example image.
  2. Add an elongated oval shape connected to the head. This will be the body.
    • Make sure the place where the body and head meet is underneath the head, not on top of it.
  3. Make a semicircle under the right side of the body shape. This will be the tail.
  4. Add raised wings over the body. Put a long, slim beak at the right side of the head.
    • Hummingbirds' other trademark is their beak, which they can poke into even the narrowest of flowers to extract nectar, so make sure to get this part right.
  5. Outline the bird's shape over the sketch. Use a fringe line for the body to reproduce the shape of small feathers. Make the shape of the wings and draw both small and big feathers inside. Draw feathers for the tail as well.
  6. Line the drawing with black ink. Try to make a modular line, which passes from a thin to a thick line and vice versa. This will make your drawing look better and more professional.
  7. Erase the pencil from your drawing and start coloring. Look at the illustration for reference.


  • After you finish coloring, you can draw some strokes over the body to make it look like there are ruffled feathers there.

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