Draw a Rubber Duck

Everyone loves rubber ducks! They are cute, yellow, and fun in the bath! They are, however, actually a bit different than drawing a regular duck, and this article will show you how!


  1. Draw a circle. This will be your rubber ducky's head. It doesn't have to be perfect, but try to be neat!
  2. Draw a pointed oval shape directly under the circle, this will be the duck's tail. Also draw a small circle for the eye.
  3. Connect the head to the body with two small lines, broaden the duck's chest, and add the beak.
  4. Add an oval inside the duck's body. This will be the wing. The left side should be larger than the right.
  5. Add the feathers to your duck's wings and erase any unnecessary guidelines. When done, yours should look like this: The wings can be detailed even more by making a curly cue at the end of the feathers,
  6. Why not add some bathwater and soap bubbles to your rubber ducky drawing?
  7. No rubber ducky is complete without color!


  • Give your duck colorful eyes.
  • Do not get upset if you don't get it the first time, practice makes perfect!
  • Always make initial lines soft and light. For visual purposes, the lines in the diagram are dark and thick.
  • A rubber duck is just a toy, and therefore does not have feathers.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Paper
  • Crayons, paints, or colored pencils
  • Patience

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