Draw Spider Man

Peter Parker by day, Spiderman by night...Spidey, also known as The Amazing Spiderman, is one of Marvel's most beloved superheroes, and is always there to rescue you when you're in grave danger. Want to learn how to draw him? You've come to the best tutorial on the "web"! Let’s begin!


Method One: Cartoon Spider-Man

  1. Draw a vertical oval for the head.
  2. Overlap it with another tilted oval for the shoulder.
  3. Draw more ovals below it for the legs of the character.
  4. From each shoulder drop down two curved rectangles as guides to the arms. Also attach an angular rectangle to join the ovals of the right leg and a single line to form the groin.
  5. Continue adding joining lines to the left leg ovals and wire lines for the fingers. Also draw a symmetrical pair in the head for the eyebrows.
  6. Based on the symmetrical eyebrow lines, draw the Spider-Man eyes and a spider on his chest.
  7. Give it proper shape by drawing the fingers, shoes and all other necessary curves and lines..
  8. Erase all guide-sketches to bring out the final drawing.
  9. Color the drawing.

Method Two: Simple Spider-Man

  1. Draw a small regular shaped oval and rotate it a bit on the right.
  2. Make a rectangle on the slanted axis of the oval from the centre of the oval to the bottom edge of it. Form a tip-cut triangle from the common base-line of the rectangle for the jaw and the chin thus giving the formation of the head.
  3. Place circles on either side of the head for the deltoids.
  4. Add overlapping circles for the biceps.
  5. Follow it up with drawing more ovals and circles for the leg muscles and shoes of the Spider-Man.
  6. Form the chest and groin area with straight lines joined together. Also draw tapered boxes on the extreme edges of the bicep-circles.
  7. Draw the hands in boxy form.
  8. Join all the circles and ovals with necessary lines and curves.
  9. Start detailing with drawing the eyes and draw the wire of the string to which he is holding on to.
  10. Give a final lining to the figure based on the guide lines.
  11. Erase all unwanted lines and shapes.
  12. Color your drawing.

Method Three: Hanging Spiderman

  1. Draw two ovals that form an egg shape as a whole. Egg-shaped outline sketch is commonly used to outline a head.
  2. Add the actual line for the head.
  3. Draw the eyes. As mentioned, Spiderman’s eyes expression depends on his emotion. The narrower the eyes were drawn, the angrier Spiderman is.
  4. Add the skeleton outline for Spiderman’s body pose. Initially, draw the body pose for the body, legs and feet, and then continue with the arms and hands afterwards. It would be easier for you to depict how the body pose would look once it’s drawn.
  5. Add the skeleton outline for the arms and hands.
  6. Add the flesh. Make sure that you draw Spiderman’s muscles carefully. His body is slim but built with muscles but not drawn exaggeratedly like most super heroes.
  7. Draw the actual lines for the body.
  8. Draw the actual lines for the hands.
  9. Add the actual lines of the web that pulls him away from the ground.
  10. Add the details on his costume and start drawing the web on his mask. The origin of the web on his mask is in between of the eyes.
  11. Draw the small linked arched lines that show the web.
  12. Erase the unnecessary web lines on the head and begin drawing the web on the body.
  13. Add the small linked arch lines that show the web on the body costume.
  14. Erase the unnecessary lines.
  15. Add the outline sketch for the spider trademark on his chest. Again, use the drawing techniques for clothes because the costume is worn. The costume should be conforming to the body. Draw it loosely if it is lose, and fit when it’s fitted.
  16. Erase the unnecessary lines.
  17. Fill in the basic colors.
  18. Add the highlights and shadows.
  19. Add the background.

Method Four: Spiderman Icon (Head Only)

  1. Sketch two intersecting ovals for the head outline.
  2. Add the facial features outline sketches.
  3. Draw the actual line for the head. The ears are not visible because of Spiderman’s mask.
  4. Draw two outline sketches of the upper lines of the costume’s eyes.
  5. Finish drawing the eyes of Spiderman’s mask. These eyes of the costumes are being drawn depending on the emotions of Spiderman. For now, we’ll draw this typical relaxed eye expression of Spiderman since we are only drawing an icon design.
  6. Start drawing the web. The web should always be symmetric and conform to the shape of Peter’s body. In this case, the eyes, nose and mouth should still be emphasized without drawing their actual look. Since the mask is also made by a special kind of superhero cloth, drawing it should still have the same techniques of drawing a cloth while it’s worn by the subject.
  7. Continue drawing the web. There should be one origin on the face that is between the eyes of Spiderman.
  8. Erase the unnecessary lines of the web.
  9. Erase the unnecessary lines.
  10. Fill in the basic colors.
  11. Add the highlights, shadows and background.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser gum
  • Colored pencils, crayons, markers or watercolors

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