Draw a Baby Tiger

Do you want to know how to draw cute baby tigers - but can't, no matter how hard you try? This is written to help you out!


  1. Look at real photos of tigers and their cubs for a little idea about their anatomy. You might even want to print one out for a reference!
  2. Determine in which style you want to draw it in. Is your drawing style fully realistic, very cartoony like in Lion King, or something in between? These step by step images will be more in the cartoony style, and digitally drawn to make it more clear and simple.
  3. Make a little stick figure, but make it smooth and soft because that's how tigers and many other felines should look.
  4. Start adding some features, like ears, which should be round and fairly small.
  5. Remove the sketch lines in the middle and start doing details, like the muzzle and paws. The paws might seem especially hard to do right, but it's actually easy with practice! for the pads, draw four small circles for the toes, and one larger one for the main part of the paw.
  6. Add more details! Stripes, eyes, some fur etc.
  7. Your drawing is done! Now, you can color it and impress all your friends with your awesome drawing skill!


  • Always have fun while drawing.
  • Be patient, even though it may look weird at first.
  • Don't worry if it's not perfect. The more you do it the better you will get!
  • Don't do just exactly like the pictures in the article, mix your own style and technique with it, that way you will not only learn to draw baby tigers - you learn to draw unique ones!

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