Draw a Simple Bunny

Have you ever wanted to draw a cute bunny rabbit but need a simple version? Then this is the correct article to follow.


  1. Draw a circular head.
  2. Draw small eyes.
  3. Add a small mouth and nose underneath the eyes.
  4. Add two ears. You can make them both either up or flopping down, or you can put one up and one down to look cute.
  5. Next draw to rounded lines connecting to the head.
  6. Add ovals as the paws.
  7. Connect the paws to the curved lines.
  8. Add a small cute tail that's shaped as the letter 'C'.
  9. Add detail like markings or whiskers.
  10. You can also add a background.
  11. ...Or even some props like toys or a carrot.
  12. You could also colourĀ in the cute bunny rabbit


  • Be creative, you don't need to follow all the steps the same way, or instead of a blank face, draw a smile on the rabbit.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil/Pen
  • Paper
  • Optional: Coloured pens, markers, coloured pencil, crayons
  • Optional: Stickers, ribbon and other decoration

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