Draw a Cat Face

Cat faces are much beloved by any person who loves cats––they're beautifully proportioned, bewhiskered and beguiling. Drawing your own cat face will not be a one-off experience, as you'll undoubtedly begin to explore many different ways to represent a cat's face in your own drawing. However, to start somewhere, this article offers some great beginner tips for the artist preparing to draw a cat's face.


  1. Draw a circle with a cross through it. The cross should bend the way the cat drawing is facing.
  2. Add two curves for the neck and join these curves with the head.
  3. Make two triangles on top of the head for ears. The triangles may be erect, twisted, or down, as in pointing toward the ground. Avoid making them floppy, like dog ears, as this is not a cat's ear.
  4. Sketch a small triangle for the nose where all of the lines intersect. Then, slightly below it, make a shape like a sideways "3" for the mouth.
  5. Above the middle line, draw two eyes. The eyes should be pointing in the direction the cross bends.(To make it cuter, draw the eyes larger,but not too large).
  6. Now, shape the face. Draw fur around and on top of the cat's head.
  7. Last, take a black marker or pen that isn't likely to smudge. Trace the outline of the cat's head, ears and neck. Trace the eyes, nose and mouth. Then, take an eraser and erase all of the pencil marks. You can also color your cat, choosing any range of cat colors and fur patterns for inspiration.
  8. Finished.


  • Develop your own style through practice. Once you feel comfortable drawing a cat's face, extend your skills in the way that feels best for your own drawing abilities. Watch cats regularly to see how they move their facial features. Check out online videos if there are not cats in your own household or area.
  • The instructions are simply a guidance, not a strait jacket. Deviate where it is best for you to shape the drawing in your own fashion.
  • When you're more comfortable with the basic drawing process, begin to experiment with adding emotions to the cat's face. Try anger, happiness, disappointment, fear, enjoyment, etc. To help you, read a book that has images showing how a cat communicates each of these emotions.

Things You'll Need

  • Quality paper/ printer paper
  • Pencil and eraser
  • Marker/Pen
  • Colored crayons, pencils, markers, paints (Optional)

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