Draw a Bow

This tutorial will teach you how to draw a realistic bow and a cartoon-style bow. Let's begin!


A Realistic Bow

  1. Draw a rectangle. Draw 2 triangles on each side. Make the triangles intersect inside the rectangle.
  2. Use the guideline to draw the final shape of the bow. The center of the bow should be drawn irregularly to add definition. Draw arcs for the sides of the ribbon.
  3. Erase the guidelines completely. Next draw out the two hanging ribbons.
  4. Draw the crease lines of the ribbon.
  5. Color your ribbon.

A Cartoon Ribbon

  1. Draw an irregular circle.
  2. Draw four arched lines beside it.
  3. Connect the arches. Do this by drawing heart shaped bumps.
  4. Draw the frills with wavy lines.
  5. Color your bow and add spots if you like.