Draw a Cartoon Pirate

Are you a big fan of Pirates of the Caribbean, and want to draw your own pirate? Perhaps you need to draw a cartoon pirate for a school project or greeting card? Maybe you're celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19. Whatever your reasoning, follow this step-by-step how to for instructions on drawing your own cartoon pirate!


  1. Use a pencil to draw a circle, which will be the pirate's head.
  2. Draw a half-circle below the head, which will be the pirate's body and stomach area.
  3. Add the pirate's legs, one being a peg-leg, of course.
  4. Draw the pirate's arms and hand.
  5. In the pirate's right hand, draw a sword.
  6. Draw the pirate's hat.
  7. Draw the pirate's ears, with a matching set of earrings.
  8. Add the pirate's facial features, starting with drawing his nose and facial hair.
  9. Draw the pirate's eyes, with an eye-patch over one of the eyes.
  10. Detail the pirate's sword.
  11. Improve detail in the pirate's sleeve, arm, hand and fingers.
  12. Include detail in the pirate's legs and feet, including drawing a boot.
  13. Use your eraser to remove any stray lines. Then color your pirate and you're finished!


  • Coloring in your drawing will add a nice touch.
  • Using a pencil instead of a pen or marker makes fixing mistakes much easier as you can simply erase and redraw, instead of starting over.
  • Remember that you can finish your main drawing and then take some extra time to add some detail so it looks more realistic. This article is showing you to draw a cartoon pirate, but drawing a more realistic pirate would grab some attention to some people, while drawing a "cartoonish" pirate would be attractive to young children.
  • Of course, there are other ways of drawing a pirate. However, some drawings would be too complex for easy drawing.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser

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Sources and Citations

  • VideoJug - Original source of information, shared with permission
  • Stephen Marchant, Cartoon Museum, London