Draw a Detailed Ice Cream Cone

This article will show you how to draw a detailed ice cream cone both with and without a scoop of ice cream. This ice cream cone will also be semi-realistic in its details. Follow the instructions below carefully to complete this accurately. Let's begin!


Ice Cream Cone without Scoop

  1. Draw a V shape.
  2. Add two slanted lines overlapping each other on top of the V shape. Cover the cone with a convex line.
  3. Draw two more slanted lines on top mimicking the first two you have drawn earlier. sketch criss-crossed slanted lines on the rest of the cone.
  4. Outline the side of the cone making curves where the criss-crossed lines meet.
  5. Darken outline on the mouth of the cone.
  6. Draw small squares inside each compartment from the criss-crossed lines.
  7. Erase unnecessary lines.
  8. Color your drawing.

Ice Cream Cone with Scoop

  1. First with your pencil, start off by drawing the ice cream scoop itself. Draw it as if you were going to draw a half circle.
  2. Next, draw the bottom portion of your ice cream scoop. The scoop's base should have a ruffled appearance almost.
  3. Continue drawing in more detail to your scoop's base like so.
  4. With the details added, your scoop is starting to take form and look a bit more realistic than in the first step.
  5. A real life ice cream scoop is not perfectly round like you see in cartoony ones. There are tons of lines and indentations in the scoop itself.
  6. Now, we are ready to move on to the cone portion. Draw your cone like a narrow, upside down triangle.
  7. Think about the overall design of an ice cream cone. It's crisscrossed like a waffle. Start drawing in your crisscross pattern in this step.
  8. After you are finished with your crisscross design, that is all for the drawing process!
  9. Feel free to color your ice cream cone using an art medium of your choice. Get creative with it if you want! That's a wrap!
  10. Finished.


  • Be creative! Unleash your artistic creativity!
  • Don't be afraid of messing up on the detail. Drawing in the details is a pretty flexible process that's hard to screw up by accident.
  • Be sure to have all of your drawing supplies with you initially. These will include a wooden or mechanical pencil, a nice eraser, paper and a hard surface to draw on.

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