Draw a Pirate Ship

Ever wanted to be a captain and have your own pirate ship? Learn to draw your own ship with these easy steps!


  1. Draw a curvy trapezoid as shown, this would be basis for our ship's body.
  2. Add in 2-3 thin rectangle for the mast, the number depends on how you want your ship to look like.
  3. Sketch in the sails with trapezoids and triangles.
  4. Add in lines to hold the poles, these would serve as ropes.
  5. Add in details, like a flag and good old jolly roger, and maybe tear up some parts of the sail to add more drama to our ship.
  6. Now outline the pirate ship and erase guidelines.
  7. Color it up, erase guidelines and you could name your ship!
  8. Finished.

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