Drive Like a Boy Racer
Boy Racers are those that drive around looking cool, a big noisy exhaust and plenty of loud music, this article will provide instructions so you can emulate this behavior yourself.
- You have to have a car with a small engine, anything over say a 2-litre goes from being a boy racer to just a racer, plus you won't be able to afford the insurance premiums.
- Get some really cool tunes on, drum and bass, dance or if you can't afford a decent stereo, the local radio station will have to do. Once it's playing, open up the windows and turn it up, don't forget, everyone else wants to hear your cool music!
- The driving position is also key to the boy racer look, you should have your seat as horizontal as possible and only steer with one hand, the other should either be resting on the gear stick or adjusting the stereo
- Your driving style may also need work if you're to become a true boy racer, forget economy, speed is the name of the game. Gear changes should be as late and as aggressive as possible, try changing as close to the "red line" as you can, this will make you look really cool! At traffic lights other road users will wait till the green light before setting off, the amber light is your signal to go so you can beat your opponents. Before setting off at the lights rev the engine and creep the car forward for extra effect.
- Stunts and tricks should also be mastered to become a true boy racer and to impress the opposite sex, wheel spins and hand-brake turns being the most common. To get a good wheel spin, put the car in first but keep the clutch depressed, get the engine revs nice and high, above four thousand revs should do, then just drop the clutch and voilĂ !
- The scrap yard is a good place to find things like alloy wheels, just find a written off boy racer car (there should be plenty) and remove them.
- Try to get a subwoofer installed, you need to be heard so the bigger the better.
- Getting modifications on your car will help, Try to get the biggest exhaust you can, remember the aim is to make your 1-litre engine sound as large as possible. Spoilers, body kits and decals will also enhance the race car image.
- Rolling around with the system up and the windows down can also attract unwanted attention from the law, be careful how you do it.
- If you do add any modifications to your car, you must tell your insurance company, if you don't and you damage your car, they will not pay out. Your choice.
- If you do follow these instructions, remember that whilst a lot of 14 year old boys will think your cool, the rest of society may think otherwise, but who are they to judge.
- Some of the stunts described could be illegal and will attract attention from the law, do not do them unless on private land.