Encourage Kids to Read
Reading skills are critical for preschool learning and childhood development, but sadly, many of today's kids would rather watch television or play a video game than read a book. Getting your kids to read can be a challenge, but with the use of quality children's books, it doesn't have to be an insurmountable one.
- Read to your child starting at an early age. Many people have fond memories of their parents reading them bedtime stories, and reading to your child will help foster a love of words and reading.
- Reading to a child also models a lot of important things about reading: which way to hold a book, how to turn the pages, and the idea that printed words represent sounds and meanings.
- Don't be afraid to ham it up when reading to a child. An extra dose of drama adds interest—and reinforces how words and sentences sound.
- As your children learn to read, encourage them to "help" you find letters and sound out words. You can even drop in little lessons, such as, "What other word here sounds like 'tree'? That's right, 'see'. Do you see the tree? What letters make that "ee" sound?"
- Fill your child's room with books. Kids who grow up with books all around them learn to think of books as friends and allies in their pursuit of adventure and learning.
- Be a good reading "role model" for your children. Let them see you reading, and how much you enjoy reading books and magazines.
- As your children grow, introduce them to books that match their interests and hobbies. Show them how a good book can expand their knowledge in a particular area, and expand their horizons as well.
- Encourage your child to find new books on their own to read. While showing your child books is a good way to build their interest level, a child who finds new books on their own can benefit from an increased sense of independence.
- Get a Library Card. Teach Your Young Child About the Library can be a place of wonder and excitement, and can open up whole new worlds of learning to last a lifetime. And then put the library in your schedule, so you will be sure to visit frequently together.
- Offer to reward your children if they read. For example, if your child reads 30 minutes every day for a week, offer to give them their favorite treat.
- Even if they don't count for a homework assignment, don't discourage kids from reading comic books, manga, graphic novels, or collections of cartoons, provided the themes are age-appropriate. All are still reading, and the drawings and faster pace may help to encourage a reluctant reader.
- They might not like it now, but chances are they'll thank you for it later in life.
- Let your children read after "bedtime". Sleep's important, but getting to stay up a little while can be reason enough to enjoy reading.
- Leave books or magazines in the bathroom within easy reach of the toilet. Your children are quite likely to pick one up and read it.
- For help finding materials appropriate for your child's age, reading level, and interests, ask a children's librarian.
- Put books on the breakfast table. You may see your children reading the backs of cereal boxes already. If you have a few books right in the kitchen, these will probably end up on the morning reading menu.
- Make sure they read as long or as little as they want. Soon they will want to read more and longer.
- To learn more about the value of reading with and to children, look for anything by Jim Trelease, author of The Read Aloud Handbook.
- And lastly, consider setting limits on the amount of time your child spends in front of a television or video game console. While there's nothing wrong with watching television or playing video games, if you want to child to develop good language and learning skills, make sure they spend just as much time reading a good book.
- If you don't read, it's unlikely your children will, either. Set a good example.
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