Enjoy Being a Stay at Home Mom
Being a stay-at-home mom is no easy task. It takes intellect, skill, and the ability to be a multi-tasking guru. This article explores the ways in which you can enjoy the journey of being a stay-at-home mom. Use the following ideas, suggestions, and tips to both adjust to becoming a Stay-At-Home-Mom (SAHM), and to thrive in your endeavors. The following ideas will work especially well for mothers who have recently left the workforce.
- Develop and implement a schedule that includes your daily routines. For example, common routines are breakfast, class, snack, lunch, nap time, and afternoon snack, and it is important to leave time slots open for flexibility, such as for special events and activities. While you might be tempted to see more freedom without having a schedule in place, you'll find it benefits both you and your children to know what is coming up next throughout the day, and it helps remove that feeling of "where did that day go?!".
- Connect with a Start a Local Playgroup for mothers with children of similar ages. It is helpful to meet other moms who understand your experience, and with whom you can exchange tips and resources.
- Stop trying to do everything. There are only so many hours in a day and no mom is a superwoman. Outsource routine tasks that are important to complete, but keep you from focusing on your children, such as cleaning or ironing (realizing that this "outsourcing" can be to other family members!). If that's not affordable or achievable, sort out a way to get it done so that it won't stress you out. For example, it is a good idea to lower high expectations of a perfectly maintained home and it helps to find clothes that don't need regular ironing or repairs.
- Refuel. If you are a stay-at-home mom, you are in "give" mode the majority of the time. Serving your children and family when your tank is on "E" is dangerous for everyone. Schedule "mom time" on the calendar at least once a week. This could be catching up with friends, going to the movies, having a facial or massage, or taking a hike on your favorite local trail.
- Lighten up and have fun. Children are a ton of work, but they are also loads of fun. Don't allow yourself to get so overwhelmed by the work that you forget to enjoy your children. Watch how they have fun and join in - they'll love having mom share in their Games, coming down to their level.
- Remember that you have value. As a SAHM, you have chosen to take out time to teach your children your values and morals in a more hands-on and directed way than might happen if you were working as well. In doing so, you will be helping the next generation carry on what you consider important, and that's as valuable a role as any in this world.
- It is vital to be really organized. Everything in its place means that everyone can find what is needed at any time. Less clutter also means more enjoyment of your time with the children instead of dusting, rearranging, hiding it all the time. If it isn't beneficial in your life, give it a new life at the charity store, and free up your space.
- If you can't afford, or simply don't like the idea of, having a cleaner help you out as a SAHM, consider allotting cleaning tasks at varying intervals throughout the week rather than leaving all the chores to one single occasion, to overwhelm you.
- Take care not to join a mom's group that is overly competitive about parenting or children, or both! It is hard enough raising children without feeling that you are being compared or judged. If this raises its ugly head in your mom's group, challenge it from the start to prevent it from taking hold. Ask moms why they feel compelled to compare one another and suggest it's better to just accept that you are all managing at your own pace, and that your kids are growing at their own pace too.
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Sources and Citations
- Original source of article: Season of Motherhood.org. Shared with permission.
- Kristen, Need a Stay at Home Mom Schedule?
- Pregnancy.com. Finding or Starting a Mom's group
- MSN Money Staff, The price of a mom: $138,095
- About.com, The Benefits of Staying Home