Extinguish an Engine Fire in a Cessna 150 During Startup

It is important to know the procedure to extinguish an engine fire during startup. An engine fire is more likely to occur by the misfiring of spark plugs. This is more likely to occur at start up. Below is a simple checklist which would help you safely extinguish an engine fire at start up. Before starting the engine always make sure,that the aircraft is equipped with a working fire extinguisher.


  1. Crank the engine- This might be helpful as it will suck in the flames and extinguish the fire.This can be done by simply turning the key to ignition(all the way to the right).
  2. If the engine starts, Power to 1700rpm - Push the throttle in, while looking at the power gauge (rpm indicator)until the needle touches the 1700rpm marker, and leave engine running at this power setting for a few minutes(2-5minutes).
  3. Shut the engine down- (follow the procedure below to shut the engine down safely). Then, inspect for damage.
    • Shut down checklist:
      • Throttle to idle.(pull the throttle all the way out)
      • Dead mag check.(Turn the key to off and then back to both)
      • Mixture idle cutoff.(pull the mixture knob all the way out)
      • Mags(ignition) off.
      • Master off.
  4. If the engine does not start, proceed with the checklist below.
    • Continue cranking-(continue cranking for 2-3minutes).
    • Obtain fire extinguisher.
    • Master switch off.
    • Mags(ignition) off.(turn the keys all the way to the left)
    • Fuel shut off. (pull the fuel lever all the way to the up)
    • Extinguish the fire- with fire extinguisher,seat cover,blanket,dirt or whatever else you can find to use.Fire extinguisher will located behind your seat.
    • Remove the air filter if its on fire- the air filter is situated right below the landing lights.
    • Inspect damage and have the repairs done before attempting another flight.
    A simplified version of this checklist can be found in the Cessna 150/152 Commuter Pilot Operating Handbook.

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