Gain Respect As a Leader

Just because you are a leader doesn't mean that you are respected by your fellowmen. It takes certain qualities to gain respect as a leader. Remember, the only way to command respect from others is not to demand it.


  1. Be humble. Being a leader doesn't make you superior to others. It just means that you are superior to others in your position or job as a leader and not as a person. To be humble also means that you are an equal to everyone in your team. Always be friendly with your teammates and be easily approachable.
  2. Be honest. Honesty is straightforward conduct. Honesty is being sincere, truthful, trustworthy, honorable, fair, genuine, and loyal with integrity. You can be honest but it should be accompanied with tactfulness. You can't just go up to a person who wears an ugly outfit and say,"Your outfit's ugly, but you can put it like this." Instead, say, "This looks good on you but a pink one could've made you look better" or something like that.
  3. Have a sense of humor. Nobody likes a grumpy person. So develop a sense of humor. Learn to laugh when things get serious. Spend some time with your colleagues chatting and laughing over matters not concerned with work. Laugh at a good joke and joke good too. Being humorous won't kill you, you know? So always have a smile on your face.
  4. Be attentive. It is indispensable that to be an effective leader you must be attentive to the needs of your surrounding and the people in it. Listen to the needs of people and take necessary actions to make sure their needs are met with. Always be aware of what happens around you and learn from the mistakes of others.
  5. Be kind, generous and trustworthy. Always be a friend, a sister/brother, a mother/father figure to the people who are depending on you. Gain their trust and you will automatically earn their respect. Make an effort to do something or give something to people when they need it the most.
  6. Be successful. Make every possible attempt to be successful in your job. Losers do not get any respect. But it is certainly not essential that you have to be successful in everything you do. It is the effort taken to win that counts not the number of victories. Even if you fail, have the courage and will to stand up again and fight till you win. It is your power to lead that makes people look up to you in times of a crisis.
  7. Be loving and caring. People always tend to respect the people they love. They don't always love the person they respect. Care about the people around you and they will do the same for you. So be lovable and caring too.