Remain a Leader

Different leadership styles can influence the proficiency levels of a team. As it was found from Goleman’s observations, “the emotional intelligence played an increasingly important role at the highest levels of the company”. Emotional intelligence is the second most crucial success factor after creativity. It can be proved by McClelland’s story mentioned in the article. A true leader has to inspire, and the only way to do that is by knowing the goals and desires of others.


  1. Remember: success is about leadership. Being a 100% creative person is the primary success factor. Even Napoleon supported this idea. One man used to occupy bank's accountant position for a year. Despite MBA diploma, his soul was striving for more space for imagination. Give up routine in favor of imagination.
  2. Stay creative no matter what happens. Accomplishing routine tasks does not highlight potential. It's better to quit the job which limits individuality. In two or three weeks, one will be hired as a marketing specialist. Business world lacks innovative approaches.
    • For instance, fresh ideas for video commercials are in high demand. It involves conducting marketing researches and writing the scripts. It's about a freedom of choice. Both, company and the specialist should benefit from the concept of creativity.
  3. Do not pay attention to one's IQ results. IQ does not matter at all. According to IQ scores, above 90 is considered a quite sufficient intelligence quotient. However, there is a dozen of examples when people with 80 and less managed to build perfect careers (read additional information in the Tips section).
  4. Set "rules of the game." A Business Development team of an e-commerce group consists of the PHP-developer, front-end developer, SEO specialist, copywriter, and their team lead. A team lead is a rather emotional person due to the fact of his Gypsy origins. He strives to make his team the most productive within the company.
    • Despite the company’s rules and working conditions are rather democratic, he set own laws. For instance, his employees are not allowed to be later than 11 A.M.. Otherwise, they are fined.


  • Frankly, the IQ test is meaningless to modern scientists and psychologists. People with IQ scores of 90-100 still achieve satisfying educational success. Besides, they cope with some freelance tasks promptly. “Forbes” always was an authoritative issue. And even one of its honored contributors, Keld Jensen agrees that intelligence is overrated. John Kennedy’s IQ score was only 119. In contrast, Madonna made it 140. But President’s responsibilities are far more complex than of an artist.
  • ...But don't hurt the emotions of other people! Because of his new strategic plan and own vision, he hurts the emotions of other members. Front-end female developer has the most sensitive nature out of all.
    • She takes every word as personal abuse. She evaluates her lead’s intents as some kind of hidden harassment.
  • Instead of getting at his employees, the leader has to involve a bit of self-awareness. After recognizing his true calling and mission in the company, he will be able to calm down and start treating his teammates in a more loyal way. After all, it’s up to the company’s “big boss” to set the rules of the game, while a team lead who occupies marketing specialist’s position has to accomplish assigned duties only.