Get Off Psychiatric Drugs Safely

The use of any type of psychiatric drug – antidepressant, sleep medication, anti-psychotic or ADHD medications – isn’t always a permanent situation. Doctors often prescribe such drugs for a period in a patient’s life when such medication will be therapeutic for treatment of concentration issues, anxiety, sleeping disorders or other quality of life considerations. In some cases, the patient suffers side effects from the drugs themselves that cause more problems and quality of life issues than the psychiatric ailment itself. These types of medications often cause “discontinuation symptoms” which can possibly be avoided or lessened by a slow weaning process instead of stopping “cold turkey.” This article will suggest how to get off psychiatric drugs safely. It is important to note that you should never stop taking psychiatric drugs without first consulting your doctor.


Consulting Your Prescribing Physician

  1. Learn about the drug you're on. Ask your doctor exactly what type of type of psychiatric drug you are taking and how long a half-life the medication has before you ever start the discontinuation of any medication.[1]
    • The shorter the half-life -- the amount of time it takes the body to metabolize the drug -- the slower the weaning process. The transition between doses, higher to lower, is much more difficult with short half-life medications. Ask your doctor for equivalent meds with long half-life as this will make your tapering process much smoother.[2]
    • For example, if you are on Klonopin ask to be switched to Valium, and explain your reasoning to your doctor. However, ultimately your doctor will likely know best so it is best to listen to her should she disagree with your assessment of the situation.[1]
    • Some of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants are Cymbalta, Effexor, Lexapro, Paxil, Prozac, Wellbutrin and Zoloft.[3]
    • Ambien is probably the most well known among the sleep medications.[4]
    • Anti-psychotics include, among the most widely-known, Abilify, Haldol, Olanzapine, and Risperdal.[4]
    • Benzodiazepines, often used to treat anxiety, include Ativan, Valium, and Xanax.
    • Well-known ADHD medication include Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin and Strattera.[4]
  2. Ask your doctor whether your therapeutic needs were satisfied. If so, ask your doctor if she thinks you would benefit more by getting off the drug than staying on it. If it is in your best interest to get off the medication, your doctor can advise you about how to get off psychiatric drugs safely.
  3. Ask if you can cut your pills in half. Find out whether your specific pills can be split in half without harming the action of the drug.
    • Some pills are time-release while others are not. Time-release pills and capsules should not be split, but other tablets are easy to cut in half. You can then use the halved pills to help you “step-down” your medication, then cut the halves into quarters after using the halved pills for a doctor-prescribed time period.
  4. Try for a 'tapering off' dosage. Ask your doctor if the manufacturer makes a dosage specifically manufactured for tapering off usage of the drug.
    • Some higher-dose tablets and capsules can simply be dosed down with a new prescription of a lesser dose.

Protecting Yourself

  1. Follow, exactly, your doctor's orders. It is important that you follow your doctor's discontinuation plan faithfully and exactly. Even slight deviations from your doctor's plan could have negative implications for your well-being and safe discontinuation from psychiatric drugs.
    • To help keep you on track, create a schedule for yourself in your calendar that lists exactly what you need to do and when. Ask a trusted family member or friend to remind you to check your calendar and to stay on track in following your discontinuation plan.
    • Ask your doctor what steps you should take if you ever accidentally deviate from your discontinuation plan.
  2. Understand the symptoms of withdrawal. Prepare yourself to suffer some type of symptoms or side effects from the weaning process including flu-like symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, headache, vomiting, fatigue and chills.[2]
    • Sleep-related and emotional side effects may plague you for anywhere from 1 to 7 weeks, including insomnia, vivid dreams, impaired concentration, irritability and sometimes suicidal thoughts.[2]
    • Other physical symptoms or side effects could include muscle pain, dizziness, sweating, blurred vision, tingling or electric shock sensations.[2]
    • Be sure to ask your doctor what withdrawal symptoms are most likely based on your diagnosis and psychiatric drug you are getting off of.
  3. Ask questions. Do not assume your prescribing physician is an expert on psychiatric drugs and the discontinuation process. General physicians are qualified to prescribe medications, to be sure, however, they may not be experts in the intricacies of psychiatric drugs and their discontinuation processes, as much as psychiatrists are.[5]
    • There are several questions you can ask your doctor. For example, you can ask your doctor whether she is familiar with the different treatment options for getting off the drug you are on.[6]
    • You can ask your doctor how much experience she has in treating the disorder you were diagnosed with and how much experience she has with the discontinuation process for the drug you are on.[6]
  4. Do not be shy. Your mental and physical health are at stake here. Do not be shy when you ask questions. If your doctor is any good, she will be understanding of your situation and will appreciate or tolerate your questions as a part of her job in making sure patients are treated properly and treated well.
  5. Consider getting a second opinion. If your doctor dismisses your questions or immediately agrees to take you off of your drug, consider getting a second opinion from a different psychiatrist.
    • The cost of getting a second opinion is probably smaller than the cost of taking bad advice regarding your getting off of psychiatric drugs, so if you are worried about the advice you are getting, try for a second opinion. [6]
  6. Be closely monitored. Sometimes withdrawal symptoms can take weeks or even months to appear so if you are getting off of a psychiatric drug, you should check in regularly with the doctor getting you off of that drug.[6]
    • Tell your doctor you are concerned about withdrawal symptoms and follow their guidance for how often they think you should check in with them. They may also be able to give you specific symptoms to watch out for based on your particular diagnosis and psychiatric drug.

Navigating the Weaning Process

  1. Exercise. Discontinuing a psychiatric drug will be unlikely to go well under heavy stress and if your body is unhealthy. Regular exercise can have minor antidepressant effects; exercise can also relieve stress and may help to improve the ease at which you withdrawal from your psychiatric drug.[6][7][8]
    • When you exercise, try listening to some music that pumps you up and helps you to continue your workout when you feel like giving up. That said, be sure to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard!
  2. Be willing to change your mind. Keep in mind that the goal of getting off psychiatric drugs is to feel well, and not necessarily to be drug free. If, in discontinuing the drug, you feel absolutely terrible, keep in mind that, if your doctor thinks it is a good idea, you can reverse your decision take your medication again.[6]
    • Be sure to consult with your doctor before you change your mind and follow their specific advice.
  3. Eat healthy. When you eat unhealthy it can make you feel negative, which can interfere with your attempt to get off psychiatric drugs safely. Therefore, it is important to eat healthy foods. [9]
    • Here are some examples of healthy foods: lean meats, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. [9]
    • Keep in mind that a large part of eating healthy is having a balanced diet; avoiding eating too much of only one food source.
  4. Get plenty of sleep. Not getting enough sleep can contribute to poor mental health by causing feelings of fatigue, sadness, and anxiety, all of which may interfere with your attempt to get off psychiatric drugs safely.[10][8]
    • If you have trouble sleeping, try making you bedroom completely dark. Reduce sounds by changing your environment and/or wearing earplugs. Try to get into a routine and keep it more or less the same every night. Be sure make note of the number of hours a night of sleep you need in order to to feel refreshed and rested; aim to get that many hours each night.
    • For example, if you tend to be in bed by 10:30 PM then read for 30 minutes before falling asleep, do your best to stick to that schedule as often as possible. In this way you will train your body for sleep.[11]
  5. Don’t have too much caffeine. Caffeine can make you feel anxious, which can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety and make the discontinuation process more difficult and less likely to be successful. [10]
  6. Try psychotherapy. Counseling or psychotherapy has been found to be effective either by itself or in combination with psychiatric drugs. So, if you are getting off of drugs but still feel like you could benefit from treatment, consider trying psychotherapy or counselling.[6]
    • To find a psychotherapist or counsellor, try doing an internet search with “psychotherapist + your location” you can also try searching for “psychotherapist + your location + your specific diagnosis.
    • Another way to find a psychologist for counseling is by visiting:

Stopping Illegal Prescription Drug Abuse Safely

  1. Talk to your doctor. Although it can be embarrassing to admit to using prescription drugs illegally, you should talk to your doctor about the best approach for safely getting off of a prescription drug that was not prescribed to you. Keep in mind that doctors hear about all sorts of problems and bodily concerns every day; this is routine for them, it is just a part of their job, so you should not feel embarrassed.
    • If you are worried about bringing it up because you are taking the prescription drug illegally, try speaking in hypotheticals.
    • For example, you could start the conversation by asking "if I were on a prescription drug illegally, would you be able to help me get off of it safely? Or would you be able to point me into the direction of some helpful resources?"
  2. Learn about rehab. Look into checking yourself into a drug rehabilitation facility as a way to get yourself off of a psychiatric drug. Do your research to find the right facility for you. Some rehab centers specialize in treating people addicted to certain drugs, so you should find a facility that suits your needs. [12] In addition, there are both inpatient and outpatient rehab facilities. It is also very important to talk to your doctor about what type of rehab you would benefit the most from.
    • Inpatient (i.e., residential) programs last at least 28 days.[13] They are a good choice if you have tried, on your own or through outpatient care, to get off drugs before but failed. They are a good choice if you are in need of detoxification (the safe, supervised withdrawal from using a drug).
    • Outpatient programs provide more freedom to patients. This is a good choice if you are unable to get time off of work or need to be around consistently for commitments to family. This option is less ideal for you if you are really struggling with self-control, however, given that you will be left to your own devices and could return to using the drug you are trying to stop taking.[13]
    • Both types of programs will involve treatment options that include therapy, which may involve a group therapy component; however, inpatient programs are often more tailored to the individual since they involve living in the facility.[13]
  3. Be honest with yourself. Keep in mind that if you are addicted to a psychiatric drug, you may be biased in your assessment of whether inpatient or outpatient care would best suit your needs. Ask your doctor, and consult with a trusted family member, friend, or loved one to help you make this decision, as they will most likely have less biased views than you.[13]
    • To help yourself be honest, try asking yourself what kind of treatment you need when you are at your calmest and least stressed, and, if applicable to you, when you are least feeling pangs of withdrawal from the psychiatric drug you are addicted to.
  4. Try rehab. Keep in mind that your decision to try a specific kind of rehab program should be based on your doctor's recommendation (most importantly) and family's suggestions for the kind of help they think you need and would benefit the most from.
    • Take your rehabilitation very seriously; give it your best attempt. If you feel that you are wavering in your resolve to stay the course, keep in mind that, like a rough sea eventually calms, it is often the case that so, too, do the negative symptoms associated with discontinuation from psychiatric drug use.


  • The recovery and withdrawal process is completely unique to each person’s body composition, so don’t expect your withdrawal process to be exactly as described in any source you read. Some patients require very little time and suffer very few, if any, symptoms, while others have a more difficult time with the weaning process.


  • Always consult with your prescribing doctor before attempting to get off of a psychiatric drug!

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