Get Real Time Traffic Information Delivered to You in Florida

The State of Florida has some of the worst traffic congestion in the United States, with Orlando, Miami and Tampa Bay all among the most congested cities nationally. Drivers armed with accurate real-time traffic information can avoid congestion and crashes by leaving at a different time or choosing a different route, but how do you get traffic information delivered to you on your roadway and your schedule?


Creating an Account

  1. Sign up for My Florida 511 Personalized Services.
  2. Go to in your Internet browser.
  3. Click on the My Florida 511 link in the header from the Home Page.
  4. Click the "Sign Up!" button in the box on the right.
  5. Create a username.
  6. Create a password.
  7. Let My Florida 511 know how to contact you: Enter your Primary E-mail Address and your Primary Phone Number.
  8. Consider entering a secondary e-mail address and phone number. This will allow you to receive alerts at more than one location.
  9. Choose your Language (English or Espanol) for your My Florida 511 phone call and alerts.
  10. Choose a Secret Question for security purposes and enter an Answer.
  11. Click the "Create Account" button at the bottom of the page.

Creating a Custom Route

  1. From the Home Page, login to My Florida 511.
  2. Click the "Create Route"button.
  3. Select a Route Name from the drop-down list or enter a custom route name (for example, Home to Mall).
  4. Select a Roadway from among the Florida 511 covered roadways.
  5. Choose a Segment Start Location nearest where you will enter the highway.
  6. Choose a Segment End Location nearest where you will leave the highway or exit to another 511-covered highway. Your segment will appear on the map.
  7. Click on the "Save Segment" button.
  8. To add another segment to the same route, repeat the steps above.
  9. To save this route, click on the Create Route button at the bottom of the page.
  10. When calling 511 from your registered primary phone number, you can choose to hear travel times or incidents on your custom routes first.

Creating an Alert Route

  1. From the Home Page, login to My Florida 511.
  2. Click the "Create Alert" button.
  3. Click on the Route Alert header.
  4. Select a Custom Route from the drop-down list.
  5. Set your alert preferences: Minimum Severity (the lower the severity, the more alerts you will receive), Event Types (congestion, incidents, construction, severe weather, other), Day or Days of the Week on which you want to receive alerts, A Begin and End Time for your alerts
  6. Choose how you want to receive alerts: An e-mail to your primary and/or secondary e-mail address, a text message to your primary and/or secondary phone, and/or a phone call to your primary and/or secondary phone
  7. Click on the Create Alert button at the bottom of the page.


  • Remember that standard cell phone minute and/or text message charges may apply to your My Florida 511 alerts

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