People Watch Over a Busy Street

People watching is actually a fun thing to do when you just want to enjoy an afternoon by yourself.


  1. Find a coffee shop/ cafe by a busy street.
  2. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and sit down by the windows facing the street.
  3. Start people watching through the window. Pay attention to those crossing the streets.
  4. Think about these questions: Are they on their phone? Do they walk fast? How do they dress? Can you make a guess on their occupations? What are they holding? Paying attention to the way people dress, talk, and what they hold onto can reflect a lot of things about one's life. By the pace they walk, you may be able to know if they are rushing to an event or enjoying their free time like you. By the way they dress, you may be able to make an estimate on their income range.
  5. Bring a book and begin reading by the coffee shop windows. Relax your eyes after reading every 30 to 45 mins with people watching. This time, look around you, is there anyone else that is just like you in the coffee shop? What are other people doing around you? Or you look outside, maybe you will find a homeless man or woman. Do those who walk past the homeless people give them money? Or food? Or just walked away without a glance.
  6. Reflect on what you saw. Did you make any negative thoughts on the strangers that just walk past the homeless man or woman? Did you have any bad feeling toward the person sitting next to you who kept shaking their legs? Did you have the thought of stopping something bad happen when you see it?


  • Take a moment and try watching not only the people but also the environment around us once in a while. It will be relaxing and fun because you will never know what you will see.